I have a lot going on this month! I should actually document it, huh?


I didn’t take many photos (I’d say oops, but it wasn’t an oops, I was enjoying the moments), so you’ll get words – on Friday Bobbi and I sawΒ The Fall Guy and got dinner at Red Robin after for a belated birthday celebration. I really enjoyed the movie and chatting after. We see each in class sometimes, but we don’t properly catch up there.

On Saturday I ran a 5K, and in the evening we went out to dinner with Jen, Troy, and Declan. It was fun to get together and chat with them.

I worked a lot last weekend, blah. But I was trying to get ahead since this month is so busy.


On Friday I had dinner with Birchie at Twisted Plants in Milwaukee. She was out here exploring the area and I’m so glad she reached out to me to see if I was available! It was lovely to meet in person and really connect. You get to know someone through reading their writing and leaving each other messages, but in person is always best, right?

Our food was delicious and we went for a walk along the lake and in the woods after dinner. It was a great evening!

On Saturday Steven had the day off (yay! that rarely happens!) so we had a really lazy morning where I got some painting done.

In the afternoon I went to Milwaukee and tailgated with Rachel then we went to the Brewers v Cardinals game. We hadn’t seen each other since the 10K we ran together in the fall and had a lot of catching up to do! Tailgating weather was beautiful, and the game was fun – it was Star Wars night and we got a double-sided (light and dark side) shirt, and there were characters, and lots of fun Star Wars themed games/etc on the big screen. We had a wonderful evening (I always do with Rachel!).

No social plans Sunday but I have to share a photo of the necklace the cats got me for Mother’s Day!


My marathon is next weekend, and Ella’s 2nd birthday party is the weekend after. Then it will be June. AHHHH!!!!!