I needed to contact my snister last Thursday to update her on our travel plans, but I was on the go and too lazy to use my fingers to type a text on my phone, so I did the unimaginable – I called her. I’m officially an old!
Well, actually, I FaceTimed her. I wouldn’t just call someone. I’m not a monster. Ha ha ha.
Photo actually from a different FaceTime
So here’s the thing, Lately (like, for the last 6+ months), I’ve been so sick of using my fingers to text or type in my phone. I’m also super hesitant to open and read long texts or emails. If I open my Instagram DMs and see I have 5 unread messages from a friend I love but who normally sends long messages? I’m not going to open it right away. Really, I’m not going to open it until I’m at a computer (and am in the right headspace) and can respond there. Texting, messaging, and emailing from the computer is definitely preferable to using my phone*.
And preferable on top of that? Seeing people’s faces. FaceTime. Using Marco Polo. I can’t believe I’m saying that about Marco Polo. When Tiff suggested she, Val, and I start using it, I thought I would hate it because I dislike watching long videos. But it turns out when it’s my friends talking I care, and pay attention for the whole video. And it feels so much better than reading a text.
It’s funny to me that what sustained and fulfilled me so many years** – mainly communicating via the written word – isn’t quite doing it anymore. And it’s definitely a me, not them, thing. I’m just so burned out on communicating that way. Sounds like I’m craving in person interactions!
*The phone has a sense of urgency, since it’s almost always near me, despite having most notifications turned off, and despite telling myself I can take however long I want to respond. The computer makes me feel more in control, like I can do things on my time.
**Especially during the pandemic. I was at the height of my Instagram use and meeting so many new people and DMing and commenting all the time! Now I hardly ever want to do that! I just want to BE.
Well, I’m a big texter. I don’t usually like talking on the phone, but I get it- especially if I’m trying to carry on several text conversations at a time, it gets overwhelming. Oh, and I guess I am a monster (ha ha) because I would rather just call than facetime. There’s something weird and disconnected about seeing someone’s face on a screen like that… or maybe I’m just weird.
Ha! You aren’t weird! I am sure there are plenty who prefer calls over seeing faces! I like seeing faces because I can read someone better.
At this point in my job, I would rather call than text or email. No one responds to the written word, but if someone is calling you on a weekday, it must be serious, right?
Indeed! People assume (rightfully? most of the time?) they can take their time to respond to text… or never respond at all (sigh).
Oh, you’re on Marco Polo? I’ve been using it since lockdown – I had the same thoughts initially, but I love it! Especially for keeping in touch with long-distance friends that I don’t get to see often.
I typically use text because it feels less urgent/intrusive, and I guess that’s one reason I like Marco Polo too – just watch and respond when you have time!
I am! I think I joined it… hmm. When did I join it. In August? September? I am glad it works well for you too!
Right! It took me a while to get there with Marco Polo, which I realize is a me thing, but the more I tell myself it’s okay to take time to respond, the better I feel about it. Baby steps! (What I am trying to say is, I know no one expects me to respond right away, it’s just my “get things off my to do list immediately” nature that makes me want to! It’s really been good or me.)
My friend Mikaela and I use Marco Polo frequently. I love it! It’s really good for introverts because you can just chitter-chatter away without being interrupted! Mikaela and I have gotten SO MUCH CLOSER because of it – I reveal really deep things on those video messages (and so does she!) because I have the space to ramble without feeling like I’m taking up all of the energy. If that makes sense? IDK. Enneagram 9s struggle with taking up space, especially in conversations, and MP really allows me to have the freedome to do that.
My mom and I Facetime ALL THE TIME. We rarely text. Even if it’s a simple “do you want to do lunch,” we’ll Facetime each other haha
That 100% makes sense!!! I totally get it. I am so glad you two have it and that it’s made you so much closer! It’s working that way for my friend group too!
I love that you two do that!
I FaceTime with my parents (and select family/friends), but overall I still very much enjoy the written word (as is obvious from blogging/blog reading). I am sick of long voice messages or videos (how people keep up with people who talk and talk and talk on IG stories is beyond me).
A phone call however can be a quick way to get an urgent matter handled, I agree.
Ha, good point, I also do not enjoy rambling on Insta stories or VMs from people at work. It seems that I really prefer videos from my loved ones!
See, the thing that keeps me from Marco Polo or Facetime is that I HATE the video part. If there were a way to record a voice mail, essentially, and then just send it to someone for them to listen to when they want? That would be perfect. But, as it is, I do not want someone staring up my nostrils. So, text it is for me. But I do use voice text, a lot. I have to correct “autocorrect” sometimes but it’s so much easier than typing!
Ha! It’s so funny you say that because I don’t like it when people send me voice memos to listen to instead of text because it has the urgency of text and I don’t feel like I can wait until I am in the headspace to listen.
We all have our preferences, right? LOL