I needed to contact my snister last Thursday to update her on our travel plans, but I was on the go and too lazy to use my fingers to type a text on my phone, so I did the unimaginable – I called her. I’m officially an old!

Well, actually, I FaceTimed her. I wouldn’t just call someone. I’m not a monster. Ha ha ha.

Photo actually from a different FaceTime

So here’s the thing, Lately (like, for the last 6+ months), I’ve been so sick of using my fingers to text or type in my phone. I’m also super hesitant to open and read long texts or emails. If I open my Instagram DMs and see I have 5 unread messages from a friend I love but who normally sends long messages? I’m not going to open it right away. Really, I’m not going to open it until I’m at a computer (and am in the right headspace) and can respond there. Texting, messaging, and emailing from the computer is definitely preferable to using my phone*.

And preferable on top of that? Seeing people’s faces. FaceTime. Using Marco Polo. I can’t believe I’m saying that about Marco Polo. When Tiff suggested she, Val, and I start using it, I thought I would hate it because I dislike watching long videos. But it turns out when it’s my friends talking I care, and pay attention for the whole video. And it feels so much better than reading a text.

It’s funny to me that what sustained and fulfilled me so many years** – mainly communicating via the written word – isn’t quite doing it anymore. And it’s definitely a me, not them, thing. I’m just so burned out on communicating that way. Sounds like I’m craving in person interactions!

*The phone has a sense of urgency, since it’s almost always near me, despite having most notifications turned off, and despite telling myself I can take however long I want to respond. The computer makes me feel more in control, like I can do things on my time.
**Especially during the pandemic. I was at the height of my Instagram use and meeting so many new people and DMing and commenting all the time! Now I hardly ever want to do that! I just want to BE.