When I had my INR appointment (where they check how fast my blood is clotting*) early last month and it went so well that we booked my next appointment A WHOLE MONTH out I thought “that December 4th appointment could be my last appointment of the year! I better have my holiday gifts ready for the (hospital) pharmacists (at the Anticoagulation Clinic) in case I don’t see them again until January.”

I immediately put a reminder in my calendar to get their gifts ready this past weekend and had them with me yesterday.

Then my INR was so low** I have to bridge my blood thinners with a shots twice a day and go back in Thursday morning to test it again.

Best laid plans and all that. I feel like I jinxed myself!

I still gave Sonia her gift since I had it with me, and now I will see Edyta in person on Thursday to give her hers, and likely be back next week or the following.

A year ago (or even half a year ago!), I would have seen this as a set back and been upset, especially about the shots. But now, I try to figure out why my INR got low (if I can), then sort of shrug it off. The most annoying part is if I have to go pick up the shots at the CVS pharmacy in Target, and if it’s hard to find time with my work schedule to come back and get tested again. Otherwise… it is what it is***. And I call that attitude progress!

*I have Antiphospholipid Syndrome – my body makes antibodies that attack tissue and form clots, so I have to be on blood thinners and have my INR (International Normalized Ratio) monitored
**When it’s too low your blood clots too fast. I cut my finger this weekend and it hardly bled, and I got my first bloody nose since being on blood thinners this morning and it hardly bled so… yeah, my INR is low.
***That other people give me my shots (Steven at home, my snis when I am at her house) helps me have this attitude