- Here’s the mani I got from Lorena last week!

- Pretty soon I’ll be doing holiday manis, which just blows my mind. I’m excited about the winter holidays, but feel so burned out I don’t want to devote any headspace to planning or decorating. I just want to show up to things with a gift magically in my hands.
- I have the weirdest AI story to tell. I was having a hard time finding some info about a company I was writing at article on for my parttime job, so I asked AI to do some research for me and it came back with a name and founding year of the company. I was shocked because I didn’t find either when I looked for them. So I asked AI for the source for both and it was basically like “my bad, I made those up.” Ha. WTF! This is why I fact check everything I get from AI, and just use it for a framework. Maybe I needed to tell it to only give me factual information.
- The acupuncture place never called me back about whether they accept my insurance. I called and they said they were still waiting, then got a EOB for well over what I paid. So… I am guessing they do not? Womp womp.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 427
Your manis are always so pretty. 🙂
Thanks so much! I really enjoy having art on my fingernails!
OMG, the AI story! We’ve talked about this problem with our department because we use ChatGPT a lot, but it’s hard to use it for our medical content because the sources can’t be verified. YOU CAN’T JUST MAKE UP FACTS, CHATBOT. UGH. I wonder how many people are citing facts that are wholly incorrect now because they don’t check ChatGPT’s sources!
Gah! That is terrible! And also makes me feel better like I wasn’t doing something wrong when it did that to me. I wonder what coding make it say it was okay to lie. I mean, if it’s supposed to be like a human… humans lie LOL.
Oh you know they are! Can you totally recognize AI articles now? I sure can!