What’s your stance on holiday (Christmas) music?
I’m Team Play it November 1st. But I know some people fall into Team Never, Team December Only, & Team Christmas Day Only.
On October 22nd I was at Kohl and they were playing Christmas music. I text my mom and snis about it and I loved that my snis responded “here for it.”
It was too early for me, but I love that it wasn’t for her. And that’s really what I came here to say – I love how much my mom and snis love the holiday season, and that the three of us share that*. I mean, it makes sense we do – we got it from my mom, but still, I get a lot of joy out of it. It feels good knowing that when I see something Christmassy that makes me feel happy that they’ll be just as excited when I share it with them.
Christmas 2022
But gosh, my brain does still feel like it’s way too early to be thinking about the holidays. My brain is stuck in September or something.
*I still feel very lazy about doing any prep for it, but I greatly enjoy the season
Our house rule is no Christmas stuff until my husband’s birthday, which is after Thanksgiving. But apart from that I say anything goes! I just figured out from blogs that Christmas stuff goes up earlier in Canada because Thanksgiving is in October.
My favorite dog walking hobby is seeing when the first decorations go up in our hood (today!) and how long they stay up after the new year (sometimes after Valentine’s Day). I also kind of loved it in 2020 when some people put theirs back up when lockdown started.
Now look I didn’t say that I was in any way preparing for the holidays…my brain thinks it’s September as well.
Ooo! That is a good rule! If we did that for my husband it would be no Christmas music until Dec 23. LOL, poor guy.
I never thought of that re: Canada. Thanks for sharing that!
I love that you track that. I would too! It’s one of the few things I miss from being in a proper neighborhood – I LOVED seeing decorations. I know some people hate when a house has a ton of blow ups but it doesn’t bother me.
So glad I am not alone LOL!
Preferably after Thanksgiving!
Do they play it on the stations there?
No holiday stuff at our house until after Thanksgiving. We’re strictly a one holiday at a time household. When I went to buy Halloween cards in early October and there were ZERO Halloween cards and only Thanksgiving cards, I nearly lost my mind. I can not be bothered to plan that far ahead!!
(Although, I’m a big fat liar and hypocrite because we bought wrapping paper at Costco yesterday because we remembered that we needed it and last time we went to Costco looking for seasonal items, they were two holidays ahead of us. I have obviously fallen victim to the rapidly advancing calendar syndrome.)
Okay, that would make me nuts too. Like, they need to keep the stuff out for the holiday that is about to happen!
I don’t think you’ve fallen victim – you are playing the system and getting your paper now! This way you get to pick and choose!
Somewhere stuck in September sums it up pretty nicely, and I LOVE the holiday season.
Ha! So glad I am not alone in both those regards!
My mom and I also share a big love for Christmas (my brother, too; he gets into it way more than his wife OR his kids, poor guy). We always go on Christmas shopping dates. We went last weekend to Homegoods and they were also playing Christmas music. It feels too early for that, but I also get it.
I used to be a no-Christmas-until-after-Thanksgiving girl but in recent years, Christmas has started creeping into November for me. I just want more time to enjoy all my Christmassy decor!
Aww, I love that you share it with your brother as well. And am glad he can enjoy it with you two since his fam is not as in to it!
Do you feel like you want to start Christmas stuff after your birthday? When will you put all that decor out?