What’s your stance on holiday (Christmas) music?

I’m Team Play it November 1st. But I know some people fall into Team Never, Team December Only, & Team Christmas Day Only.

On October 22nd I was at Kohl and they were playing Christmas music. I text my mom and snis about it and I loved that my snis responded “here for it.”

It was too early for me, but I love that it wasn’t for her. And that’s really what I came here to say – I love how much my mom and snis love the holiday season, and that the three of us share that*. I mean, it makes sense we do – we got it from my mom, but still, I get a lot of joy out of it. It feels good knowing that when I see something Christmassy that makes me feel happy that they’ll be just as excited when I share it with them.

Christmas 2022

But gosh, my brain does still feel like it’s way too early to be thinking about the holidays. My brain is stuck in September or something.

*I still feel very lazy about doing any prep for it, but I greatly enjoy the season