I think this is the first time (as an adult) I’ve been sad that summer is coming to an end. Woo hoo! That’s progress!
In the past I’ve always been moody about the hot weather, especially once we get to August. I’ve just been ready for fall and short days and hibernation and not leaving the house and shutting down.
But this year I tried to make the most of the end of summer – by doing all the outdoor things in Denver (ball game, farmers market, paddleboarding), flying to Iowa to play in the river, eating ice cream and walking around the harbor, going to the airshow, etc. etc.
And I’ve really enjoyed it! We had such a nice summer overall. We ran a 5K, we (sort of) took care of our first garden, we went to the river (4 times for me, 3 times for Steven), I did RAGBRAI, I got to go to Denver for work and spend several days with friends, I got to fly with Steven, again – etc. etc.
So strangely, this year, I find myself feeling a bit sad that our days are getting shorter and cooler. But it sounds like I’ve figured out the key to really enjoying my time is doing fun things with family and friends paired with some weekends off, and we have a lot of that planned for the fall too. So, yay!
(Also, this summer seemed really mild, and I was out of town when it was in the high 90s here with “feels like” in the 110s, ha)
(Also, I have such an itch to travel and “do things” after the pandemic, and I feel more grateful for them than before – I’m sure that’s having an impact here as well)
I’m so glad you had a fun summer filled with memories! My summer was good too (well, mostly, aside from the breakup, lol), but I am so ready for fall!
Yay! And I am glad yours was too! I hope you get a long fall 😉
You had such a great summer. No wonder you’re sad it’s ending!