A couple months after Steven started his flight lessons, he asked if I’d ever want to come along. I was surprised – I didn’t think they’d want an extra person hanging out in the back!
I was also like “What would be the point of me going? Wouldn’t that be… boring for me?” Ha.
For real though. Some lessons they just land 10 times in a row to work on landings.
But ever since we flew to Guttenberg I have been dying to go back up. Being in the sky in a small plane reignited an excitement I hadn’t felt in ages. I was giddy. I absolutely loved it.
So please, take me up in the air, and do whatever the lesson is. I will be back there with a dumb grin on with my face plastered to the window.
(I was going to go with Steven yesterday but his lesson was rained out, womp womp)
Young Kim in a cockpit
When I was young I wanted to be a pilot. That obviously went nowhere, but for years Steven and I have discussed how we’d love to learn how to fly. I’m pumped he’s learning now (as anyone who’s talked to me in person knows because I won’t shut up about it), and am so excited for all our future flight adventures together.
I do have to say though, I wonder if I will always be a passenger or if I will want to learn as well. We’ll see! I’m honestly not sure if I have the level of focus required. But you never know!
I can totally see that if your husband is flying that you’ll end up taking a lesson or two and then who knows where things will go from there. It’s fun to dream about!
It is! Exactly that. It’s nice to have a little fantasy.
I think this is so cool. I’ve only been in a small plane once and I was terrified. But I love the idea of being able to get places quickly by flying myself there! My grandfather was a pilot- I would have loved to learn to fly from him. Maybe I’d feel safer if I was in control of the plane?
Thank you! I am so excited about that part – our 4 hour drive became a 1 hour flight (+ 15 drive to get to airport and 15-20 checklist)
What terrifies you – is it that – being out of control? Did you fly with your Grandpa? I bet he would have loved to teach you!
A small plane just feels more vulnerable to the weather- I think that’s what scares me.
Unfortunately my grandfather died before I was born, but my Mom has told me lots of stories about flying all over the place with him to meetings
That’s true – it totally is more vulnerable than a jet!
Aww, that’s so cool he did that. And sorry you never got to meet him!
Oh, how cool would it be to learn how to fly?! I love that you have this as an idea at the back of your mind. I’m glad you enjoy going up with Steven!
Right? I bet it would be pretty good for this rusty old brain, ha. If all goes as planned, I will go to his lesson today!
I have no desire to learn how to fly myself, but I can understand the appeal (on a theoretical level). I wouldn’t be surprised if you started taking your own flying lessons someday.
I wouldn’t be either! LOL!
I thought I’d read about you starting lessons! Not quite – but maybe! So exciting. I’m glad you have yet another shared interest with Steven – you seem SO well-matched. (Is your “how we met” story on the blog? I’d love to read it!)
Yeah! Ideally Steven gets his certificate and lets me be his copilot and I learn a lot from him before I start logging hours!
Aww, thanks for saying that. I am not sure if I ever wrote about it! But we both met at a college frat party that friends drug us to (separately).