A couple months after Steven started his flight lessons, he asked if I’d ever want to come along. I was surprised – I didn’t think they’d want an extra person hanging out in the back!

I was also like “What would be the point of me going? Wouldn’t that be… boring for me?” Ha.

For real though. Some lessons they just land 10 times in a row to work on landings.

But ever since we flew to Guttenberg I have been dying to go back up. Being in the sky in a small plane reignited an excitement I hadn’t felt in ages. I was giddy. I absolutely loved it.

So please, take me up in the air, and do whatever the lesson is. I will be back there with a dumb grin on with my face plastered to the window.

(I was going to go with Steven yesterday but his lesson was rained out, womp womp)

Young Kim in a cockpit

When I was young I wanted to be a pilot. That obviously went nowhere, but for years Steven and I have discussed how we’d love to learn how to fly. I’m pumped he’s learning now (as anyone who’s talked to me in person knows because I won’t shut up about it), and am so excited for all our future flight adventures together.

I do have to say though, I wonder if I will always be a passenger or if I will want to learn as well. We’ll see! I’m honestly not sure if I have the level of focus required. But you never know!