Saturday was my first full day in Denver and we planned to take it easy. I slept until 6:00 am (Go me! My body wanted to get up at 4:00 and I told it no.), then Val and I went on a 3 mile walk (after I ate one of the  delicious blueberry muffins she made!). There’s a paved path that winds through neighborhoods right by her house, and I enjoyed exploring it and chatting with her.

When we got back we had yogurt and fruit and chai (and coffees for Val and Carrie) and sat out on the front porch chatting for a few hours. It was going to get into the 90s (but with a super low dew point, which is new to me!) later, but it felt so nice in the morning. It was lovely to just sit and chat and not think about anything else I needed to do.

When we realized we were still in our walk clothes/PJs close to 11:00, we all showered, then went to the grocery store to get a few things to make tacos, then we came back and made them using Plant Basics Pea Protein. We also had guacamole and a bunch of delicious toppings. It turned out great! I filmed a bit to see if I can used it for a Fake Meats reel later this week.

After lunch I had some of the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies Val made for us. YUM! She’s such a wonderful, welcoming host! I feel so comfortable in her home.

Then it was art time! Carrie showed Val how to use some watercolors, and I painted some rocks with a new paint pen set that Tooli-Art sent me. They asked me to post about it and I had been too unfocused to  make something, and was glad to finally do it and get it done.

We left the house just before 4:00 to take the light rail into the city for a ball game. First stop – caffeine. We got Horchata lattes at Pigtrain Coffee Co in Union Station, because we were all yawning so much.

They were delish! While we were waiting for them to be made we had a fun convo with someone who edits the instant replays for ball games. The conversation started because Val asked him about his latte, which was a turmeric latte. I’d never heard of it! He told us how it needed more black pepper and that sort of became a joke all weekend – us saying we wanted to order turmeric lattes but were worried they would not have enough black pepper (we weren’t even making fun of this guy (he was nice!) – we were just being goofy).

We went to the Dairy Block (I almost wrote Milk District, ha) and checked out the restaurants and shops, then went back to check out other shops we saw at Union Station (I got some very funny earrings).

We went to the game an hour early so we could get the freebie – a jersey! I immediately put mine on since I don’t have any Rockies gear.

Val braided my hair for me!

I was really excited the ballpark had vegan options, because I love ballpark food! I started with a hot dog,

and later we got fries,

and even later, a soft pretzel. All were delish! I was really impressed with the quality of the food. It made the prices sting a little less.

Earlier in the week Val had told us it was supposed to rain at the game and to pack rain jackets, but when we checked the weather that am, it didn’t show rain at all.

Well that was wrong. It rained before the game started, then during most of it. It stopped for the beginning and we saw a beautiful double rainbow, but then it was on and off again. We left our seats voluntarily, and soon after they told people to leave those seats because of lightening.

I hid a rock there!

So we saw the very long first innings, then missed a lot of the middle, then went back to our seats to see the Rockies win. We were really excited for this drone show, but we found out they canceled it due to weather! Womp womp!

That’s okay. I still had a great time. I love going to ball games to watch the game, but also to chat and eat all the good ridiculously overpriced food. And it was fun to see Coors Field for the first time!

We rode the light rail back and were all so tired! I think we got back to the house around 10:45 or 11:00 and all called it a night right away. Then I stayed up for an hour writing blog posts. Oops.