- I tried a group fitness class, and really liked it! Bobbi and I went to the Upper Body class at WWM Fitness on Monday and I was so excited to wake up Tuesday morning feeling sore. I missed that feeling! I went back yesterday for the Lower Body class. Ideally I’d do both each week.

- Rachel and I signed up for a 10K in September, and are talking about doing the Madison half in November. Woo hoo!
- At my INR appointment a week ago, the pharmacist confirmed soy is loaded with Vitamin K. So, mystery solved as to why my INR dropped so much the Monday before. I’ll remember not to overdo it with soy again.
- Or will I? Even though I suspected that the day of the appointment, I still asked for tofu to be added to my Pad Siew that night. Derp, Kim. Thankfully, my INR had gone up enough (2.2) that they took me off the shots. I go back to have it checked again today.

- I was able to pay for early bird check in with Southwest, and fingers crossed it works. (Why wouldn’t it? Why would it?, says my anxiety.) Now I just get to be nervous about getting in line and whether people will behave or be pushy. I have heard good things so far.
- We’ve been running our dishwasher so much this summer! Pretty much daily. Before it was an every two days sort of thing. Not a complaint, just an observation. I think it’s all the fruit (I wash it and cut it up and put it in the fridge), all the leftovers, all the produce from the garden, and Steven taking a lunch to work each day. So many containers to wash.
- Gah, I only just now realized I can download Libby audio books to my phone rather than stream them. I went way over on our phone data last month. Like, over by enough I probably could have just bought all those audiobooks. Duh, Kim.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 417
Southwest passengers have always been the most rule-following people I’ve encountered when it’s time to get in line! I don’t think I’ve had a bad experience and I mostly only fly Southwest.
Thank you for telling me that Erin! It makes me feel a lot better!
You’re welcome! Honestly, I find boarding with Southwest to be less anxiety producing than other airlines because you know when and where to stand. Also, because checked bags are free I don’t worry about overhead bin space because I just check my bag (with an AirTag in it). I do worry a bit about getting an aisle seat, but I’ve been lucky so far. I’m flying SW tomorrow so hopefully my luck holds out!
It worked out great! And checking a bag did too! I did notice how fast it filled.
I hope your flight went well and you got the seat you wanted!
Well boo that soy is causing a problem with your levels. That’s just not fair.
On the weekends when we don’t have the boys and it’s just me and the hubs, it’s crazy how long it takes to fill the dishwasher. When they’re here we usually run it once a day. Even crazier is that when I was single it took me a week to fill the dishwasher.
Right! I almost got some again but remembered not to!
I totally believe that with kids! They use like 10 glasses a day, right? LOL, I kid, I kid 😉
My husband has a weird issue with soy, too, which is why we never eat tofu. It’s so hard to be a vegetarian who doesn’t like to eat much soy! It really limits protein options.
Oh yeah, and soy is in so much! Can he do pea protein?
Ugh, it is just crazy how one little food item can disrupt your INR so much!
I’m glad you paid for the early bird check-in. And I will second what Erin said – Southwest fliers are RULE FOLLOWERS. I thought I could just scootch in wherever, but nope, you gotta be in your spot!
It is! So silly!
I love that they are rule followers!!!!
Traveling with Southwest is really NBD, I promise. You’ll be fine.
I know you made it to Denver and back, so yay! Southwest worked. 🙂 Hope you had a reasonable experience.
And GAH on the soy. Sigh. Did they give you a list of foods that can affect your INR? If not, can they?
Thanks! It was good!
I do have a list from them, soy was not on there, surprisingly.