Did I mention I didn’t realize how big the Denver airport is? I think so. I’m not sure what state of mind I was in the only other time we flew into it in February 2009, but it will definitely stick with me this time! I saw online it’s the largest airport (in terms of size, not passengers) in the USA and second largest on earth! Whoa!

Our coworkers from the Denver area warned us how bad traffic can be getting to the airport, and how bad the lines can be inside (PreCheck was fine for me!), so we all got there quite early on Thursday – around 12:20 for a 4:10 flight. I’m a “get there two hours ahead of time” sort of gal, and didn’t mind the extra time because I had an errand to do (and a work call to be on, blah).

That morning my snis forwarded me an Instagram story from the author of Fourth Wing – they had signed some copies of their book in a bookstore in Terminal B. What are the odds they’d be where I was?

My snister asked me to check and see if any where there, so I beelined to the bookstore as soon as I got through security. Unfortunately, they were out (which my snis thought they would be), but, while I was there, I discovered they had a VooDoo Doughnuts!

I had NO idea VooDoo had locations outside of Portland and was so so excited! Apparently they have three in Denver, and one at the airport and I never would have known had I not gone there to look for that book. Thank you, snis!

They had 9 (NINE!) vegan donuts to choose from and I got the Portland Cream and Old Dirty Bastard. Both were delish, but I liked the simple cream one better. I also got a Portland Cream and Apple Fritter to take home for Steven. I cannot wait to try more when I am back in Denver.

On my way to Terminal C, a young college-aged woman and her mother stopped me to ask me about my compression socks. They liked how they were nude and wrapped around my ankle and went all the way to my toes.

I have NEVER been stopped to talk about my compression socks, let alone to have them complimented and have someone be interested in them! The young woman wanted to know where I got them so she could get some for herself (she’s has blood clots in her legs, reason why still unknown). I thought I had a photo of the box on my phone but couldn’t find it (links for future reference 1, 2, 3). I got her email/phone number and sent her the photos today. I hope she can find the socks and also hope she does not have blood clots long term.

After I got into Terminal C I met back up with my coworkers and ate lunch (yep, even after donuts!) with them then took a work call. I hung out a bit near my gate, utilizing the free WiFi, and Carrie came to hang out with me a bit, then I was out of there around 4:30!

I hope I get to see Carrie for work again soon. We got along so well! If not for work, we’ll have to plan up our own thing!

And now let’s transition to ORD Adventures. Gah. I checked a bag because I brought so much and it took forever to come out. Whatever, right? Then, because I was forced to park near a different terminal, it took a long time to get to my car (wah), it was SO hot out (wah, but not as hot as it had been), then I had a hard time paying for parking and the attendant was not helpful (I did get the discount – it went from $294 to $105). My credit card spat out of the console while she was handing me the receipt and I had to try to open my door to get it off the ground – gah I was so frustrated.

But I sped home really fast and got home around 9:40 and Steven had a banner up for me, and dinner ready! What a sweetie! I missed him and the cats and it was so nice to be back.