A few notes from the weekend!

Thursday Highlight | This amazing new mani from Lorena! I’m in love!

Other Thursday Happenings | finally getting to the point of leaving work behind on my free time, ahh • a massage during a long lunch break (I took leave) • getting my Stitch Fix • a mani/pedi after work • dinner and watching Formula 1: Drive to Survive • a postcard from Caitlin • a bit of gardening

Friday Highlight | I always want to pick my long run because I enjoy them so much! But this time, I’m going to pick starting a new audio book on a day when I spent so much time in the car – I listened to 4 hours and 20 minutes of it!

Other Friday Happenings | a 10.53 mile long run from the house (the run felt great until the last mile when my left knee started to ache a bit – It might be because I did most of this run on hard surface, and I usually do all of my runs on soft trail – I’ll keep an eye on it!) • starting a new book, Aurora, at the end of my long run • a bath to relax after • driving to the city and listening to Aurora • teaching a rock painting class to veterans • driving back toward home and listening to Aurora • stopping at: the bank, the nail salon (to try to fix chips on the mani I got yesterday) , Walmart (grocery pickup), & Aldi • unpacking groceries and prepping produce • driving to Wisconsin with Steven to look at and buy a used jet ski for my dad (per his request) • leftovers and watching part of Gone Girl (The Popcast “Cinema Sidepiece” episode on it made me want to watch it!)

Friday Lowlights | waking up at 2:45 am and not falling back asleep • both of my thumbnails chipping – from a mani less than 24 hours old

Saturday Highlight | Using the basil from our garden to make pesto. It feels good to use our homegrown produce! (I froze it for future use)

Other Saturday Happenings | receiving a hilarious gift from Emily in Australia – a scratch and sniff cat butt book (don’t worry, it doesn’t smell like poop)! • doing a strength workout and listening to Aurora • an unexpected run (I had plans to walk with Kris but it was raining so I ran alone instead) • a bath and finishing a book I wasn’t enjoying (Island Time) • making a Fake Meats reel of our lunch • finishing Gone Girl  and putting the reel together • making pesto from our garden basil (I got the idea from Kim during my Thursday massage!) • starting a new book (Yours Truly) and a nap! • dinner and watching Raising Arizona for work movie club • a bit of pruning in the garden

Saturday Lowlights | not being able to fall asleep very quickly due to my nap, oops • a cat barfing on the bed in the middle of the night and me not realizing it until I stuck my feet in it

Sunday Highlight | getting the Fake Meats editorial all set for the rest of the month – I have a lot of travel and holiday coming up so it feels good to have that figured out!

Other Sunday Happenings | a 50 mile bike ride (I felt tired and achy until I had my first gel, then I felt great! It was a beautiful day to ride!) • finishing Aurora and starting a new book on the ride (Wool – Lorena told me about the show and book series) • grilling for lunch then watching some of the Formula 1 show • prepping the Fake Meats editorial calendar for the next few weeks with Steven (he is launching a new product so we’ll be posting about it a lot!) • adding more supports to the garden, pruning, seeing some large green beans • picking wild black raspberries from the yard to eat • a run • delicious fajitas for dinner and watching Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (we’re getting ready to see the new one next weekend!)

Sunday Lowlights | (really, a whole week lowlight) – I still feel like I have a bladder infection or UTI and feel all out of sorts on and off throughout the day – thankfully I have my annual with my PCP today!