A few notes from the weekend!

Friday Highlight | Having such a great long run (9 miles)!

My legs took a while to wake up but I totally expected that after a fast lunch run on Thursday. I was pleasantly surprised at how well I did in the heat – when I woke up and saw the windows covered in condensation I thought “oh f*ck” but I felt consistent and strong! Woo hoo!

Other Friday Happenings | a successful 9 mile long run in the heat • finding out we get 3 hours early release Monday at work! • picking up some cakes from Pie, Pie My Darling then stopping at Handlebar to get a salad and slice of cake (since the cakes I picked up are for later!) • making a long format Fake Meats video after work (and Steven liking it! check it out here) • dinner and Arrival and cake

Saturday Highlight | Feeling completely in tune with my bike on the ride – it was one of those great rides where my bike just felt like an extension of my body.

Other Saturday Happenings | a 50 m bike ride • running errands (farm stand, Aldi, Walmart) • lunch with Steven • receiving a lovely card with a bookmark and painted rock from Anita in the Netherlands • building more supports for the cucumbers, tomatoes, and green beans in the garden • Tywin visiting us while we gardened • picking some cilantro from the garden • El Famous and watching Kicking & Screaming

Sunday Highlight | My first video call with Anita! We’ve been friends on Instagram for a couple years now but hadn’t made the jump to a video call yet. She suggested it and I’m so glad we made it work – she’s absolutely lovely, and conversation is so much more fulfilling live.

Other Sunday Happenings | finalizing the July Fake Meats blog post, backing up photos and photoshop files, and adding subtitles and publishing Friday’s video to YouTube • lunch and Formula 1: Drive to Survive (we just started watching it this week) • a video call with Anita • a run with Steven • getting a chai to share • delicious falafel for dinner (I was craving it this week and it hit the spot!) • painting while listening to Kicking & Screaming • checking in on the garden

Sunday Lowlights | feeling unwell and waking up too early and reading (then later getting back to sleep until almost 9:00) – I was starting to feel UTI symptoms but got better • being so frustrated I had to wait in the drivethru to pick up our pre-ordered Starbucks (I always order ahead then walk in so I don’t have to sit in a long drivethru line, but when I got there there was a handwritten note saying the lobby was closed and to use the drivethru, so we got in it and sat for 15 mins. I felt annoyed with myself for feeling annoyed about it (it’s only 15 minutes!) but later remembered what my therapist said about situations like this, so that helped)