Yesterday I did something I’ve never done before – listened to a book while I was running. And… I liked it!

I hadn’t tried it until yesterday because: 1. I usually prefer to listen to a podcast when I run, 2. I don’t listen to many audiobooks as it is, and mostly 3. I didn’t think I’d be able to pay attention. My mind wanders when I’m running, and I was worried about having to get my phone out and rewind to find the spot where I stopped paying attention. I felt like I’d only been successful with listening to podcasts while I run because it’s like people talking to me.

I know, I know – an audiobook is someone talking to me too! But podcasts are more conversational and in the moment.

I was also worried I wouldn’t be able to follow the story or whatever I was listening to.

But, as mentioned, I liked it!

Then I was in the car so damn much yesterday, I listened four hours and twenty minutes of the book over the course of the day. I listened to more this morning and I’m almost done.

I feel encouraged I can get more reading in this way if I start bringing books on workouts!

(I do think I prefer podcasts for exercise and audiobooks for the car though. For whatever reason, I pay attention to each a little better in that element.)