A few notes from the weekend!

Thursday Highlight | My beautiful new mani from Lorena!

I think my mani will always be my Thursday highlight when it’s mani day! I wanted to do a rainbow-adjace mani for Pride month and love how my idea turned out! I also enjoyed chatting with Lorena, although I was yawning by the end – this week was so tiring.

I was telling Lorena I scheduled a massage for Friday (I haven’t had one since October 2021 and my butt is SO SORE!) and she brought up how being on blood thinners might make me bruise more from it. Good thing my friends are looking out for me because my brain did not even think of that!

Other Thursday Happenings | getting really close to a deer on my morning walk before work • movie club on lunch break at work (it was our first one and I facilitated a discussion on Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope) • taking some tomato plants to Lorena and everyone in the salon commenting on how big they are, ha • a mani/pedi • trying to watch Avatar: The Way of Water – that movie is just NOT for us

Thursday Lowlight | having a bit of an anxiety spiral when trying to fall asleep (it was so silly – I started thinking about how I have a mani/pedi the morning I pick up Val & Tiff at the airport in July for our river trip and how I need to pick a simple design so I am not late picking them up, then it spiraled into being nervous about planning for the trip, ugh – THE BIG LESSON is that I need to plan, then I won’t be as anxious. I need to start getting more meal ideas and activities together. Also, they are two of the most chill people I know, so if things aren’t super planned, that’s totally fine too. Ugh, brain.)

Friday Highlights | my first half marathon “training” run • teaching a rock painting class at Thresholds

[Highlight 1] I started testing my body out on distance training Friday morning! I did a warm-up walk, ran 6.4 miles, then did a cool-down walk. It felt good but I was tired after the crummy sleep the night before. (I decided to start with 6 miles as a long run and increase a mile each week, then do a taper two weeks before the race. I won’t sign up for the race until I know my body is good with more miles.)

[Highlight 2] This was my third rock painting “class” (it’s more like hang out and paint whatever you want) at Thresholds. I’m really getting to know the veterans and enjoy seeing them. However, the drive to and from the city is EXHAUSTING. It’s about 3 hours of driving for a 3 hour class and we’re cutting the class to 2 hours in July. If they want me to keep coming I will likely ask to move class to every 2 months or 6 weeks. I can’t keep spending my (every other) Friday off so busy. The class itself is fun but the drive completely drains me.

Other Friday Happenings | doing my first half marathon training long run • soaking in the bath • listening to podcasts on the way to rock painting class • teaching class • listening to more podcasts on the way home • getting groceries • treating myself to my free Starbucks drink (my first venti of the year!)  • the socks I ordered WEEKS ago finally being in (I appreciate them thanking me for my patience – they told me they’d be in in a week and it took 6 weeks) • wishing Mom a happy birthday on the phone and talking a bit • working (for work – I had to check in most of the day because of a situation at work this week that’s not over, ugh) • sending the request in for my birthday cake (my birthday is at the end of July but I need to pick the cake up June 30 due to my schedule) • taking the cats outside in the stroller to hang out with Steven while he worked on the garden drip-irrigation system (he installed bigger hoses) • pasta for dinner • listening to Creed III while painting • Lorena sending me a photo of the repotted tomato plants with the names she gave them

Saturday Highlight | Steven unexpectedly being home from work and able to hang out

It’s bad he was home – the power went out at his warehouse the night before and when the power company went to fix it they made it worse (the power is still out and everything is running on the generator) – but we grilled for lunch then had a nice chill afternoon!

Other Saturday Happenings | doing a long training ride • writing a blog post • writing and sending Father’s Day cards • picking up eggs for Steven • listening to a podcast on a walk • grilling and having a burger for lunch • reading then taking a nap • painting and watching part of the new season of Never Have I Ever • trying some of the cilantro from the garden (tastes like cilantro!) • going out for Thai and catching up with Jen & Troy (we hadn’t seen them since the end of April!) • going to the warehouse to talk to the power company and electrician • texting with my snister about our health goals (we text all day, ha, we just had a longer convo Sat night) • splitting an ice cream sandwich with Steven at home • trying to read and falling right asleep

Sunday Highlight | It raining most of the day and us relaxing

I stayed in my PJs until our late afternoon run! Whoa! I rarely do that. I got a bunch of rocks painted, watched two episodes of Never Have I Ever and the movie Blackberry.

Other Sunday Happenings | trying to sleep in and failing • finishing a mediocre book (Call the Canaries Home) • prepping the produce for the week • resining a few rocks • downloading photos and working on blog posts • seeing an email that a friend in Australia sent me a birthday gift from Redbubble • eating a yummy breakfast Steven made • chilling and painting • watching Blackberry and eating popcorn then painting • running then stopping by the warehouse • eating vegan mac n cheese and watching Ghost Town • trying a yummy new vegan ice cream with caramel, graham cracker, and cookie dough • trying to read but falling right asleep