As I’m starting to get back into training more (yay! I love being back at it) I feel old bad habits trying to creep their way back in (boo). For example – feeling like I have to do the same amount of intensity or exercise every day, and not wanting to give myself days with lighter loads.

That’s exactly how you get injured!

That’s exactly what I want to avoid!

Ugh, come on brain!

Today it rained most of the day, so we planned to run right before dinner. Even though all I have been wanting for months is a freaking chill day like this (where I sit and paint most of the day), I still felt on edge all day because I hadn’t worked out in the morning. My brain was like, “you should have walked, you’ve been sitting around all day.”

Come on, Kim. Come on. Just CHILL. This is what you WANT. My brain seriously disappoints me sometimes.

But you know what made me feel better? This great quote Val randomly set me from this Instagram post, not even know what was going on in my head (Thanks, Val!).

If you don’t schedule a break, your body will take one for you and it probably won’t be at a convenient time.

So much truth. That was exactly the reminder I needed, and it helped me get out of my head. I’m going to keep it in mind the next time I get all in my head about this again (so, next week).

We had a good run!