First of all, happy official first day of summer! (I put that “official” in there for you, snis!)

I have a list of hills I will die on, and summer starting on the summer solstice is one of them. I know, I know, I’m that person.

A Question

What do you call it when you’re more excited about the book you’re going to read next than the one you’re currently reading… but want to finish what you’re reading?

I’m reading Georgie, All Along which is a romance that just isn’t for me, but isn’t horrible or anything, so I’ll finish it. I have Drowning, a green light from Jamie on The Popcast queued up, and I’d much rather be reading that! It’s a thriller about a commercial jetliner that crashes into the ocean and sinks to the bottom with passengers trapped inside, and the extraordinary rescue operation to save them (description from Amazon).

A Recommendation

Speaking of green lights, here’s one from me! My lovely friend Stephany of Stephany Writes hosts The Friendship Paradox podcast with her good friend Bri. They focus on personality types (Stephany is an introvert Enneagram 9 and Bri is an extrovert Enneagram 2) and how they affect the way we interact with the world by sharing research and personal stories.

I love listening to Stephany and Bri. It feels like I’m on a date with girlfriends and because of their differing perspectives I’m always nodding along agreeing AND considering a new perspective at the same time. Give them a listen! (They’re already on season 5 so there’s a lot for you to listen to!)


Today’s episode on The Friendship Paradox was on friends trips. They asked each other when their last friends trip was so I was thinking about mine – it was when I went to Tucson with Tiff and Val in February (and I’ve had friends visit the house since then but that doesn’t count as a trip for me, ha).

And my next friends trip is with them. IN FOUR WEEKS FROM TODAY! I am so so so so so excited!

(My July (and to an extent, August) is nutso busy, so I’ve been doing my best to pregame with chill weekends, like this last one)

A Bright Side

Work has been really challenging for a few weeks, and the stress is seeping into my non-working hours. The bright sides:

  • I haven’t been binge-eating to cope (this is big for me)
  • I have friends and family who will listen if I want to talk (I usually don’t)
  • I have friends and family who accept my up and down mood and give me grace (this means the world to me)
  • I have a therapist to talk to
  • I made a list of things I can do to cheer myself up (one of them was write down things I’m grateful for)
  • I know it’ll pass

Interestingly, I need to do exactly what this account recommends (on the bottom) for my star sign. “I will let go of my worries & focus only on what I can control.” Ha. Why is that so hard?!