My friend Jean posted this beautiful illustration this weekend and I’m still thinking about it, and the caption she wrote about it. Jean gave me permission to share all this. (Thanks, Jean! Also, check out her Instagram here and her shop full of cat stickers, prints, stationery, and shirts here.)

In the post, Jean talked about how she’s learned healthy coping skills over the last year, but still has days where she falls back into unhealthy patterns, and that would make her think “wow what a shame, I’ve worked so hard to develop healthy coping skills to have it all go down the drain.”

But she realized healing isn’t a one and done thing that you complete – it’s a process. It’s about practice. (It’s maybe even a lifelong journey.)

So she’s realized that when she takes a step backwards she doesn’t have to tear herself down about it. She can re-assess and improve the next time it happens.

I loved how simply she illustrated and explained this – it really spoke to me. I try not to beat myself up a ton when I fall back into my own unhealthy patterns, but I’m human – I sometimes do.

But what if I viewed that as a learning opportunity, as Jean recommends? Even if I can’t in the moment, but maybe later?

It seems so obvious, but it wasn’t to me.

It gives me the hope that I can continue to bounce back from small setbacks, and learn to not let the bigger problems ones get me so off track that I feel like I have to start over again.

I’m going to save this image to my phone so I see it and often and remember its message!