- Every once in a while a lot of my work team is in the office and we have lunch together in the breakroom and it’s so nice to have organic conversations! Sometimes I feel like I’m being annoying when I reach out to people “just to chat” when I’m working at home, and it’s nice to do it face to face.
- I can’t believe I’ve gone downtown seven times so far this year and haven’t gotten Starbucks yet. I used to order it (for pickup) immediately when I got off the train! Good work, Kim. (Although it was so cold and wet yesterday, one sounded really good – I am sure I will have a chai this weekend with our guests.).
- Sometimes when Ned sleeps on the bed with us the other cats won’t and I sleep so much better because I have fewer cats on me! Ha! But no matter how many cats are on the bed, Ned always wants cuddles when he sees me wake up. He’s such a lover. I wish he wasn’t so shy when people came over so they could see that side of him!

- It’s so interesting switching from my Kim Hides the Rocks Instagram feed to the Fake Meats feed. My rock feed is all art and the Fake Meats one is all beautiful food. It just makes me so hungry, ha!
- Speaking of food, I heard an add for a meal kit service that made me think it would be fun to try one new meal a week so I looked into Purple Carrot – the vegan food service – and it seemed so pricey to me! $13.25 a serving (for two servings) or $11.00 a serving if you bought more food (but we’d eat both servings so it would be $22.00 a serving, ha). And you had to get at least three meals a week. I’m sure that business model actually makes sense so they can make money and get you all the food you need, it was just some sticker shock for me. (No, I won’t be signing up, ha).
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 393
How many Instagram ads are you now getting for Purple Carrot now that you’ve searched for it AND mentioned it on your blog? Oh, Kim!
I wish Lila wasn’t so shy with people. She is ALWAYS hiding so people never get to see her. Eloise is much friendlier but even she takes a while to warm up. So different than dogs, lol.
Zero! They are really slacking, huh? Ha.
They sure are! And it is shocking when it happens since they are out and about with me!!!