- Steven is out of town this week and left some notes for me around the house! So sweet!

- My mom sent me home with a Valentine last month when I saw her. I love that she does that!
- Two random Tucson things:
- When I arrived at the airport there were fighter jets flying overhead. I wonder if those were associated with the local base or if it was the team practicing for the Super Bowl.
- Tucson is SO cyclist friendly. Whoa! Wide shoulders in a lot of spots. We saw a ton of cyclists, doing really hard uphill routes. Props to them.
- I decided to reserve one of the sit-to-stand desks for my office day this week. I usually use a stationary desk. I liked the sit-to-stand BUT it only has one external monitor, and the others have two (and I have three at home). But it worked out well! I will try it again!
- The compression stockings I have to wear make my pants and jeans cling to my legs and look funny. Ugh. I hope I can stop wearing them soon.
- I tend to forget things lately if I don’t have a reminder in my calendar (and I don’t look at my calendar on the weekend so…). Ugh.
- I had this whole post drafted yesterday and half of it disappeared. Lovely.
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 392
Steven’s notes are so sweet. I hope you keep finding them in unexpected places. ♥️
Thanks!!! He said there is one more I haven’t found yet!!!! I wonder where it is!
OMG, that is just TOO SWEET of Steven leaving you notes around the house. How adorable is that?!
I often forget about things I promised to do or need to do unless I do it RIGHT THEN or have it on my calendar. I’ve become so forgetful lately!
Right? I still have them all!
It makes me feel so much better to hear you say that, thank you! Although it sucks it’s happening to you too!