Trigger warning – this post is about trying to eat healthier and less to lose weight, so please skip if that is not your jam.

I’ve been trying to make better food choices and eat less, and it makes eating so much more enjoyable. I know, mind-blowing. When you aren’t overeating all the time, you actually look forward to meals and food tastes better than it did before!!! WOW! Ha.

When I got home Sunday night Khali acted like she hadn’t eaten the entire weekend I was gone

But for real, I was doing so much snacking and eating way too much that lunch and dinner weren’t as enjoyable as they should have been because I wasn’t that hungry.

So, yay. I hope I can keep it up and not slip back into old habits. I am trying to come up with other things to do when I feel like randomly snacking when I am not hungry (make tea, text a friend, play with the cats, get up and stretch, etc.).