- I gave a presentation Wednesday morning at work that I have been stressed about since I was told I had to do it in November and it went really well! Yay! I am so relieved. My team worked hard on prepping the presentation with me, then I presented it with a coworker. It was really great to be able to rely on them all, and to get such good response.
- I am loving my new mani. I was so busy I didn’t even pick it out until I got to the salon and was scrolling Insta for ideas.
- That tabby cat has been visiting at night! They come and eat and Snow Jr sits there and watched them. Ha. We have confirmed the tabby cat is a boy.
- I think it’s so cute how Snow Jr comes up to the house like this!
- I got my haircut yesterday after months and I am pleased she did not cut a lot off!
- My INR appointment did not go well yesterday. I dropped down to 2.1 and since my new target is 2.5-3.0 they said I have to bridge with Lovenox which upset me. I don’t want to take these stupid shots. They aren’t even vegetarian. Sigh. I think my number went down so much since I started eating less and eating more greens (Vitamin K makes your blood clot faster). Whatever. I hope when I got in Monday it’s back to normal and I can stop the shots. (Wah, the Monday appointment is not at my normal place… so I have to drive even farther than usual. This was such a busy week and I have Monday off and was really excited for a bit of downtime and that was a bummer.)
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 387
Ugh I am so sorry you have to deal with a setback on your numbers and keep taking those shots…
Hang in there!
Thank you!!! I appreciate that <3 My INR was in the right range yesterday so I was able to go off them for now!
YAY! presentation! Your hair & nails are super cute. Mr Tabby is a cutie and Snow Jr is sweet to watch him.
I am rooting for you with the clots. It is a bummer.
Thank you! That tabby is so so sweet and friendly! I am trying not to get attached.
Thank you, I appreciate it! My INR went up yesterday so I was able to go off the shots, at least!
Hooray for kicking butt in the presentation! That’s great to hear!
I’m sorry about your INR number and having to take shots again. π That had to be such a let-down. I hope things look much better at your next appointment so you can stop taking them!
Thank you! I felt so good about it!
And thanks. I was so upset! Now that I know it could happen maybe I will be better emotionally prepared next time. My INR went up yesterday and I am off them for now!
Oh no, I see another “cat adoption” on the horizon π
Love your hair. Looks great. And I am glad your presentation went well. I get a lot of anxiety before a presentation and it’s usually not warranted, but a brain does what it wants to do, amirite?
I am sorry you have to take shots again. Hopefully, the numbers come back up right away.
Ha! I am trying really hard not to become attached to these cats. We do not need another in the house and it’s so hard when they inevitably pass π Sorry to take that so dark LOL.
Thank you! OMG, yes! Why does our brain do that?! Gah. I know it will be easier next year, now, for this type of presentation!
Thank you! They came back up yesterday so I am off the shots again!