• Today was my 16 Year Runniversary! I got out for my first run of the month this morning. Running and I have a very different relationship than we used to but I am still very grateful for it!

  • My INR was good last week – it had only gone up .1 (from 2.3 to 2.4) over nine days, so they said I can go to biweekly (every two weeks) appointments! Yay! That’ll be a huge time and money saver.
  • We had crazy wind on Saturday and a huge branch came down by our mailbox. I think our mailbox must have a guardian angel to not get knocked out!

  • We have quite a few dead trees on our property, including two right next to Dragonstone. We’ve been wanting to have them cut down but kept putting it off. Seeing this branch come down prompted us finally do it! If they fell, it’s a good chance they’d fall on Dragonstone. Our tree guy came on Tuesday and cut down this one by the street, one that fell on to our neighbor’s property, and one of the ones by Dragonstone. It was such a huge tree! It was loud when it came down (and put a huge rut in the grass Steven’s been working so hard to grow, cry).

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 380