,Highlight of the Week: A walk with Steven
Monday | October 17, 2022: rest (10 hour car drive)
Tuesday – Thursday | October 18 – 20, 2022: rest
Friday | October 21, 2022:
Run location: McDonald Woods, Temp: 67°/70, Felt: good, left knee a bit sore after
Saturday | October 22, 2022: rest
Sunday | October 23, 2022: 4.1 m walk w/Steven
- What a week. Ha. I slept later in the mornings because we were up so late after work and had plans a lot of the nights after work and did NOT prioritize working out. Obviously. I swore I was going to walk Saturday am before teaching my class then spent the whole morning painting. Anyway.
- We had crazy warm weather here for October so I enjoyed a run in a tank on Friday and a walk with Steven on Sunday.