- I had my INR tested Monday and Wednesday last week, and the number went up enough on Monday that they took me off Eliquis, so now I’m only on Warfarin. The pharmacist said my INR is reacting to the medication in a predictable way, and maybe after two check-ins this week, I can go to weekly starting next week. That would be great! It’s a 40+ min drive one-way to get to the place to test my INR. I’m gone for at least two hours each time I go and it’s eating in to my days a bit. (I’m grateful I have one nearby, of course! Just not a lot of free time lately.)
- Two weeks ago I mentioned I’ve been in a fog and distracted and I realized another thing I forgot to do – RSVP no to a party – after I saw pics of the party. Ugh. So unlike me.
- I attended a retirement seminar at work last week and I’m so glad I started at the government at a young age! I *think* I can retire a bit earlier because I did. Maybe? In 19 years? Ha.
- Here are all of the rocks I took to hand out at CatCon! I painted 88 of them, Val sent me 10, and and Caitlin sent me 7, so I had 105 to hand out! Here is a reel of all of them, here is a reel of me bagging them. and here is a reel that shows me handing them out.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 376
That is AMAZING news about your INR results! Hooray! I’m glad you’re able to drop one of your medications AND may be able to drop down to weekly appointments. Losing around four hours of your week is a LOT.
Right?! Fingers crossed it’s down to one appt asap!!!! I love the ladies there but am fine with seeing them less, LOL!