- Ahh! I forgot to mention this in my weekend recap – I was talking to a Zion (the town I live in) business owner and asked if they knew what the new building was going up in town and… IT’S GOING TO BE A STARBUCKS! Only 6 minutes away! I should have been able to tell by how sh*tty the parking lot is. Ha.
- I got my CatCon mani! I am all ready to go now! (not really, ha). It was so nice to see Lorena (and another friend at the salon!) yesterday. I was having a bad day and it cheered me up.

- I saw a pharmacist in the Anticoagulation clinic today. She was very helpful about explaining how to take Warfarin (Coumadin) but didn’t have any answers about the antibodies – if they’ll go away, or how long I’ll need to be on Warfarin – that all depends on the tests and scans I’ll have done in December. She said some people are on it 3-6 months but I do have APS (antiphospholipid syndrome) and could be on it for life as the antibodies come and go. It all depends on the December (and subsequent?) blood work. Fingers crossed I am not a lifer.
- The pharmacist did a great job explaining Wafarin and what foods and medicines to avoid to me. I will be at this clinic A LOT to get my INR (how fast my blood clots) tested. I need to stabilize between 2-3 and was 1.3 today. Each time I go they test my INR and adjust my meds until it’s “therapeutic”. I go back Monday and Wednesday next week and the Monday after our trip. I will have a lot of time to catch up on podcasts in my car!
- I am hopeful I will be less out of it/distracted by this health stuff soon. I haven’t felt present as much as usual lately.
- I forgot Steven and I got tickets to see a comedian (Charlie Berens) this Saturday! Yay! That will be fun!
Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 375
It’s very normal to feel this way when you’re dealt a huge medical diagnosis, which comes with a lot more doctor’s appointments, blood testing, and medication! You just need some time to get used to this new normal. <3
Thanks so much!!!!
Thanks for saying that, I really appreciate it!
Oh, my goodness, of course you feel overwhelmed! they threw you in the deep end without a paddle. Or a floatie, even. This is not easy to deal with when you’re USED to dealing with chronic conditions. When it’s completely brand new and unique to you it’s so hard. Hang in there. You are doing EVERYTHING right. You really are. <3
Thanks so much for the assurance and validation! I really appreciate it!!!!!