• We’re so excited my parents are visiting next week! We rarely have guests (probably since our house is too small and I am a sh*t hostess) and the last time we had visitors was when they were here last June! I don’t want to talk about it too much and jinx it. I had four fun summer things planned and now I am done to two and don’t want to lose either.
  • My blood pressure at my last two visits has been 120/80 and each time I was thinking about that used to be “good” but they changed it to 110/70 as the standard. Well I said that to the nurse on the second visit and she said it got bumped up to 130/90 as the standard due to people being so stressed out all the time! Whut!
  • So it turns out the Instagram Bonuses is a bit bogus. And I just don’t have enough views to make it worth it (which is fine!). So the first week of the bonus program (it’s month long) they pay you more to get you to $100, because they won’t pay you if you make less than $100. Then it goes down to literal pennies. It’s bizarre. Also, my views have been WAY down since I joined, and other people have said this happened to them when they signed up too. It’s frustrating to have so few seeing what I’ve worked on. I am not sure if I will sign up again if I am offered.
  • Speaking of money though, I think I need to do a no spend August. I have been spending way too much on shipping. And then a few other dumb big ticket things.
  • The cats are tolerating each other! Yay! Apollo seems to like Ned the most, which is funny since he HATED him the most at first.  But we still have bathroom issues (*cough* Apollo *cough*). Ugh.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 365