Now that I have made my donation to Sip & Purr (and am already starting on my second one!), I’m catching up with trades, and doing a few commissions.
But first! I made this for the rainbow reel, and will hide it. Design by Pusheen.
This fox is designed by me, and going to Germany, for an art trade.
This elf is designed by me, and also going to Germany with the fox.
These flower kitties were inspired by the dress I wore to work Tuesday (see a reel of me painting them here). I will donate them to Sip & Purr in August.
This Snoopy and Pusheen mashup is for a trade with someone in New Orleans. Characters by Snoopy and Pusheen.
These glitter Pusheens are going to Germany (different art trade than above). Designs by Pusheen.
This glitter cat butt was a commission. Design by me.
Another Snoopy/Pusheen (in the form of Pugsheen) mashup to go to New Orleans. Characters by Snoopy and Pusheen.
And I painted my friend’s cat, to send to Australia. I am going to have lots of mail to send out soon!