The chevron baby blanket for my snister’s baby girl is done! Yay!

I started it on March 4th and finished it March 31st. It took four weeks to knit. I’ll give it to my snis next week at her sprinkle.

I used this pattern, but added 48 stitches to the width (2 extra chevrons) and 20 rows to the length like I did for Leo’s blanket (here is William’s blanket).

I’d like to tell you that it’s perfect, but there is a mistake in it, sigh. And I noticed it too late to do much about it. Luckily, people will be looking at the cute baby on it, and not the detail.

My snister uses these for her monthly baby growth photos and I am honored she does. I can’t wait to see her baby girl on it!

I feel strangely sad I am done knitting this. I have several other pregnant friends I could make them for, though!