A few highlights from the weekend!
- A surprise 3 hour early dismissal at work. WOO HOO!!!! It was much appreciated!
- An afternoon run, Starbucks, and a bath.
- Finishing up 80 rocks to meet my goal of 100 rocks for the New Years Rock Drop.
- Taking photos of the 100 rocks I made for the New Year’s Rock Drop.
- Khali and Ned sitting near each other. There was so low growling by Khali, but it’s progress.
- Dropping rocks off at the vet and them telling me they love the ones I dropped off in the fall and have them spread out around the office. Aww.
- Running around dropping off rocks at 25 locations, whoa!
- Stopping by the warehouse to say hi to Steven since it was on my route.
- Taking a hot shower when I got home from my long day of rock hiding. I hid 86 of the rocks that day and my feet were so cold from the snow!
- Receiving a drawing of Starbuck from a friend.
- Cuddles from Midge when I checked in on her and Athena (I’ve been checking in on Bobbi’s cats twice a day all week).
- Watching the new Bond while eating takeout. I enjoyed the movie. The action scenes are so much more enjoyable and engaging to me than a Marvel movie (I wonder what’s up with that). And it ended how I expected it to.
- (???) Accidentally staying up until midnight. Happy New Year!
- Getting my first run of the year in.
- A hot bath followed by a nap! I napped from 12-2 and it was great. I woke up feeling so happy. Ahh.
- A lazy afternoon that was much needed.
- Steven driving me to check in on the cats in the snowstorm. I appreciate that he did that. I still have a hard time driving in the snow from an accident that was forever ago.
- Breakfast sandwiches by Steven.
- Filming a tutorial reel.
- A much needed nap cause I was cranky AF.
- Getting things done on my computer.
- Steven successfully installing the skid steer loader door I got him for his birthday. I am so glad I ordered the right one and it was not a total pain to install!
- A yummy dinner (chicken sandwiches and brussels sprouts) and watching the newest Station Eleven. I don’t care for the traveling symphony episodes much, just as I didn’t care for their section of the book as much.
- Killing my phone battery on Thursday while making a reel outside in the cold. It was barely holding on as it was. Now it drains super fast if I’m using it continually (music and podcasts are fine). Good news is, I used holiday money to order a new phone that night and it will arrive Tuesday. Yay! I’ve had my current phone almost four years and was wanting a new one anyway. I ordered the iPhone 13 Pro Max. This is the first time I’ve ever ordered the top model, when it’s “new.” I always order the old model a year or two later. I spent time over the weekend backing up things off my phone (and Instagram – all my draft photos and Reels will get deleted when I “logout”) and taking screenshots of my app layouts and settings so I can remember how I had it set up. Years ago, I would take screenshots of ring tones and text noises I had for specific people. Now my phone is on silent 100% of the time and I rely on my watch to buzz for phone calls (and for my eyes to see texts).
- HuHot not working out. As predicted. Gah. We were going to use a HuHot giftcard Friday night and planned our activities around picking it up. I filled out our custom orders on the app, then when I went to checkout it said “this location is closed.” GAH PLEASE TELL ME BEFORE I SPENT TEN MINUTES CREATING MY ORDER. I kept saying HuHot would not work out so why didn’t I look up their hours? We ended up at Red Robin, where they were being odd about letting us get food because they were closing in 45 mins. Then we placed a to go order and had a super strange convo with the hostess. Blah. I will remember this for next year – check hours on New Year’s Eve. Duh, Kim.
- Family members getting into an accident Saturday. They’re fine, thankfully, but it upset me. It’s been a rough week with family stuff.
- Not being able to get the snow blower to blow snow on Sunday morning. It made me feel so mechanically inept and frustrated. (It was not our snow blower and Steven was not there, although he tried to help from the phone!)
- New computer FWP (first world problems). I could not get a font to work in Windows 11 (??) the way it did on Windows 10 on my old computer and gosh, I was just so pissy. I put myself to bed for a nap after that. I slept poorly Saturday night and I think it just set me up to fail Sunday. I woke up from my nap with a headache, but the day got better after I calmed the eff down.
- Ned cornering Apollo at the litter boxes. Gah, these cats make the worst noises when they are encountering each other. And I really don’t like that Ned is cornering him. No worries, Khali came flying out from who knows where and smacked Ned right up.
Ooh, that hot shower after hiding rocks in the snow must have felt SOOOO nice. And the nap! I love a nap that makes me feel refreshed and happy.
I’m sorry about all the family stuff. <3
I had to laugh at "Khali came flying out from who knows where and smacked Ned right up." Khali don't play around!
It did! And omg yes I thought of you after my Saturday nap cause it was SO good and all the kitties were on me! (Well, not Ned obvs). The Sunday nap was meh.
Thank you <3
SHE DON'T! Ned needs to learn.
We have a long driveway and are responsible for a fairly large sizeable chunk of sidewalk, so clearing snow takes me and my husband about half an hour on an average 2-5 inch snowfall. He runs the snowblower and I shovel. He was out of town once when it snowed and I could not get the snowblower to start. It took me HOURS and a very sore shoulder to get everything cleared. I am sorry you couldn’t get that stupid machine to work! You are not alone.
Oh my gosh! I am so sorry it happened to you too! Did you get incredibly frustrated and cry as well?
Reasons I love living in an apartment, #243: No snowblowing. No shoveling. No cursing the snowblower when it will not start. Related: taking the bus to work so I also don’t have to drive in it.
(I’m so sorry, I’ve had the same thing happen to me. Frustrating does not begin to describe it.)
Also? I bet that hot shower was epic. 🙂
It was wonderful living in a townhome and having someone else do that for us! That was one of the few nice things about living there. Ha. And this was a friend’s snowblower, not ours! I was trying to be nice and clear their driveway for them since they were coming back from a long road trip that day.