A few highlights from the weekend!
- A massage.
- A mani/pedi with Lorena.
- Thai takeout for dinner.
- A surprise package from Meagan.
- My shitterfly magnet order arriving.
- Painting a fun back-to-school rock inspired by William.
- Having the day off.
- Breakfast sandwiches by Steven.
- Having our lawn mowed. Ha, Steven loves taking care of our lawn but the mower broke and he’s been waiting weeks for parts so it was getting a bit tall!
- A walk on the beach.
- Finally getting to see the new mural in Zion without a car parked right in front of it. Sigh. I tried to look at it two weeks ago but someone parked their car on the grass right in front of it, despite there being a parking lot right next to it.
- Spending the afternoon painting.
- A nap? I think I took a nap? I have a photo of all the cats sleeping on me, which is usually what happens when I nap.
- Beginning to watch The Final Destination series. Ha. We watched 1-5 over Friday-Monday. Some (most?) of them are SO bad. And so gory! Ha. But I mostly listen and paint.
- My snister finding something funny I hid at her cabin.
- Feeling good on my long run.
- Receiving fun stickers in the mail from Emily.
- Painting a special rock to hide at Sip & Purr.
- Having a Reel be surprisingly popular.
- Receiving a painted rock in the mail from a friend with a message on it I really believe in.
- Date night in Milwaukee! Our 14 year wedding anniversary was last week, so we ate out in Milwaukee (On the Bus) and went to Sip & Purr after.
- Wearing one of my new Stitch Fix tops.
- Seeing that almost all my rocks were sold out at Sip & Purr. I need to paint more for them!
- Creating a Reel with Emily, to announce the winner of our collaborative giveaway.
- Seeing friends who live nearby but we haven’t seen in forever because of the pandemic.
- Checking out some new couches and ordering them. Yay! We need new couches so badly.
- Going back to bed after getting up too early. Ha. I got up before 5:00 then was up until after 7:00 and went back to bed until 9:00.
- Fixing a Reel in drafts and filming a new one.
- A mid morning run. I should have gotten out earlier but see above. Ha. It was nice to be able to run mid morning though.
- Watching Oblivion with Steven and painting.
- Helping a friend learn Photoshop via Google Meet.
- Winning a rock in a giveaway.
- Making pesto pasta for dinner.
- Pusheen (the account!) liking some of my Pusheen rocks on Instagram.
- That it ended!
- Instagram glitching on Thursday. I posted a Reel during the glitch and it got kind of goofy. Oh well!
- My mani starting to lift up by Sunday. I have less time between appointments than normal (my next one is this Sunday) so I said to Lorena, “let’s try the polish we usually avoid because it doesn’t last as long!” This is a good reminder why we avoid that brand.
- Being overstimulated by Sunday afternoon. Our Saturday dinner was at a really crowded place, and we had to drive in heavy traffic to get there, then again on Sunday, then going to the mall to look at couches… I need a break from being around people. I haven’t felt that way in a long time, for obvious reasons, but it used to happen to me all the time. I REALLY struggled with how crowded the train station was in Chicago when I used to go in each week!
- Not thinking and sticking my hand in hot water I had just poured noodles out of. I strained the noodles then the water was still in the sink so I ran the disposal but it wasn’t doing anything so I stuck my hand in it to open it up… bad idea. Ouch.
I really feel you on the being overstimulated thing – I notice that I start to feel that way a lot quicker now than before the pandemic.
I had no idea that Zion was Monarch City USA – do the butterflies stop there on their migration?
I was talking to someone else who feels that way too! It got me before but I really notice it now! Gotta protect my vibe! LOL.
I have no idea what the mural is about. Oh here we go (I looked it up) – “We help the monarch butterfly recover, city by city, by encouraging America’s 19,000+ municipalities to plant milkweed and nectar plants. Monarch City USA, created in 2015 in Maple Valley, Washington, encourages cities in the USA to directly help the monarch butterfly population recover by encouraging and planting milkweed and nectar plants within their boundaries. Of course, if the municipalities do this the monarchs will have stepping stones as stopovers on their journeys. To this end we have a recognition program called MONARCH CITY USA that municipalities join by doing very simple positive things like planting milkweed and nectar plants.”
No idea why they painted a huge mural for it though! It might be on the side of a seed store, so that makes sense. Super helpful, I know. I will let you know if I find out more!
Oh wow! Thanks for looking that up – how cool that they have a program to support the Monarch butterflies like that, I had no idea. And they are obviously very proud to be part of it, with that huge mural! 🙂
I once read a very good novel where the migration of the Monarchs played an important part: “Flight Behavior” by Barbara Kingsolver. Their migration is really fascinating!
You’re welcome! I am glad your comment pushed me to cause I had no idea – it’s a very neat program (and mural)!
Oh wow! I need to look that up. I do not know anything about monarch migration!
Woo! That’s so exciting that you guys bought new couches. I know you’ve been wanting to do so for a while. I’ve been on a little bit of a home shopping spree this week (new TV + a new area rug) and it’s very exciting but also so hard to actually purchase the thing because they’re not cheap. (I mean, I have trouble purchasing something that’s $30 so no wonder bigger purchases make me antsy, haha.)
That mural is gorgeous! We have an area of downtown that’s filled with murals and I’ve wanted to check it out. Need to put that in the books!
Thanks! We are so excited! Ours are A MESS from the cats and our butts sitting on them for so many years. The new ones are MCM and look so nice!
Oh yay! I can’t wait to see the rug. You have great taste and your home looks so put together. And yes, it’s hard, but it feels so good when the room feels complete, right?
Oh yay! I am excited to see all your murals! I know that’s basic of me but I just love seeing them. Did you see the RBG one I posted a few Weekend Highlights ago?
Thai takeout FTW! (We’ve been making Thai Curry for weeks on repeat now!)
So good! I need to try a curry at home too – what kind of curry do you use?
What a fun, colorful weekend!
😀 😀 😀
Oooh, new couches. I hope you nap-tested them in the store? 🙂
Also, yay for selling out at Sip n Purr! That’s awesome. Clearly people LOVE your rocks.
And, I also want San’s curry recipe. Ha. Hopefully she sees our requests.
I did! LOL. Steven looked at me funny when I laid out on it, but I didn’t put my shoes on it! LOL.
Thanks so much! I am so excited about it!
Oh! I will forward it!