Lots of Pusheen this week and a few of my own creations!

These back to school Pusheens are from a coloring book I have. I hid two on my Tuesday run and sent one to a friend.

These Halloween Pusheens are from the same coloring book. I sent bat and pumpkin to friends and haven’t done anything with the Frankenstein’s Monster Pusheen yet!

I game up with this design for a prompt list I am following. The prompt was “Cat Cafe.” This ended up being one of my most popular posts on Instagram! I hid it at Sip & Purr Saturday night.

Another one from the coloring book, another one still at home.

I am doing a rock trade with a friend and she requested something Star Wars or Otters so I googled images and found a t-shirt with something similar to this. I hope she likes it!

And more from the coloring book, still all at home. That bottom one is so cute. I kind of want to keep it.

I came up with this design for a Instagram Live I am doing today at noon CDT. I was trying to come up with designs I can teach when I do my class at Sip & Purr.

Someone liked the Catfe Menu so much they commissioned one! I added more to this menu.

I made this rock to send the person who ordered the Catfe Menu as a bonus rock. She mentioned she liked the other one so much I decided to paint this one for her.

And finally, something I sketched out in April and just now painted, to send a friend. I love how it turned out. I messed up the text, originally, by forgetting a letter, and Snis helped me fix it with the suggested of adding blue and doing the lettering again. Thanks, snis!