• Oh my gosh, look at this amazing blanket Bobbi crocheted me for my birthday! How cool is it? I just love it. I never understood how special homemade gifts like this are until I started knitting. A LOT of times goes into stuff like this. Thanks so much, Bobbi!

  • Notice how it has three cats for our three cats? Ha, Steven gave me a necklace with three diamonds on it for my birthday and I was like “Oh! For our three cats?” And everyone laughed – they all knew it was supposed to represent “past, present, and future.” Ha. Now they joke and tell me it represents “breakfast, lunch, and dinner.”

  • Ha, the first message the cat sitter sent me Friday night started with: “Everyone greeted me today when I came through the door, then Apollo went over to his rocks and proudly rolled on them. Apollo sure loved those rocks.” Ha. Apollo and his rocks. Every morning he cries until I pet him while he rolls around on them. Weirdo.

  • We heard our temporary work reentry plan this week (for going back to the office). As of now, we can go in starting October 1 if we want (but not required), and all new work at home policies need to be in place by mid December and start on January 4th. So whatever my supervisor and I come up with (one day a week in the office like before, or something else) will start then. Pending what is going on with COVID-19(/20/21?).
  • I have watched zero Olympics, because we don’t have a good way to, and have been traveling. I really want to watch the marathons this weekend, since we watched the Olympic Marathon Trials in person!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 333