A few highlights from the weekend!

My parents and one of my nephews visited this weekend and we had a super fun time that left me EXHAUSTED. Ha. I am not used to late nights! And it didn’t help that I had a dr appointment on Monday and a crazy work schedule Tuesday. Just a few more days until the long weekend…


  • My family arriving.
  • El Famous for dinner.
  • Starting a huge puzzle we had no hopes of finishing while they were here. Ha ha ha. Thomas loves puzzles and he picked out a 2,000 piece one I have on loan from Bobbi. It was fun to see everyone working on the puzzle together (I painted at the kitchen peninsula while they did).


  • A bike ride with Dad and Thomas.
  • Seeing my friend Adam on my ride.
  • Going to Lake Michigan with Mom and Thomas. It was a hot day but felt cool by the lake. It was fun to just sit there and listen to the waves while Thomas played in the freezing cold water.
  • My new Kawaii Kitties drawing book coming and doing some of drawings with Thomas. The book has the cutest designs in it! I can’t wait to paint them all on rocks.
  • More puzzle and rock painting time after dinner.


  • Another bike ride with Dad and Thomas.
  • Seeing more friends on the bike ride (Pablo and Lupe).
  • Fruit smoothies when we got home.
  • Showing my family Steven’s new warehouse.
  • Going to see F9 with my family and friends (this was the reason my parents came – to see the movie). I did a private watch party and it was really cool to have the whole theater to ourselves! Unfortunately the movie is not good, but it was entertaining, and that’s all I can ask for. And it was so fun to see all our friends and chat a bit after the movie.
  • Late night burgers and more puzzle time. They were determined to get as much done as possible on it!


  • An indulgent breakfast before everyone left.


  • Going to the outlet mall midday on Saturday. What was I thinking?! I just don’t have the patience for all those people.
  • An extremely loud party on another street Saturday night. I should not be able to hear your party (until almost midnight) if you live a mile away. Or at all. Ever.
  • Being so damn tired from staying up so late. It didn’t help that I was in training the entire week before they came and just felt exhausted in general.
  • Rain on Monday morning thwarting our plans for one last bike ride together.