• Has anyone else had an “oh crap I can’t use the pandemic as an excuse not to do something” moment yet? Not trying to be crass, tone-deaf, or rude about the pandemic, but as someone who happily says no to things, it was nice to have an universally accepted reason for the “no” (not that you EVER have to have a reason to say no! you don’t!).
  • Speaking of saying no, I was in training this week and there was a good quote – “every time you say ‘yes’ to something, you are saying ‘no’ to something else – what is your most important yes?” I had never thought about it that way before.
  • I don’t think I have EVER shared this, but as a kid, watching Jurassic Park, it blew my mind to see the Lex character wearing jeans and a tank top, and similarly, to see the Ellie character wearing shorts with long sleeves. What the heck. No. Jeans go with long sleeves, shorts go with a tank top. This blew my little kid mind. It still blows my mind to see people wearing jeans on a hot day now, unless it’s to protect their legs. I hate being uncomfortable in my clothing. Maybe those folks don’t have the same sweat problem as me though.
  • I’ve been listening to mostly classic rock for a year+, but have been switching over to pop stations now and again, and find myself knowing the songs – well, parts of them – from hearing them in Instagram Reels! Can anyone else relate?
  • I won some rocks from an Instagram friend in Germany, and they sent me the three lady bug rocks I won, all those rocks to hide, and two cat shaped rocks to paint! How sweet! I’d love to send a package to them!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 325