The only thing I miss from my old job is the title. Ha! “Interior Architect”* sounded a bit more interesting than “Account Manager.”

(My actual title was “Interior Designer” which was too bad, since I trained as an architect and not an interior designer but people assumed I did since that was my title… I still get questions about what colors people should paint their homes. And guess what? I give them my input. MUAH HA HA HA HA.)

And that is absolutely the only thing I miss. I’m enjoying my new role so much more than my last one. I was talking to Rachel about work last Friday and she said she could tell how much better this position was for me based on how passionate I was talking about it. Yay. It shows!

Someone told me it’s the honeymoon period (rude!) but it might not be. I don’t think design was the right career choice for me. (Oops? Kids! Don’t feel pressured to pick a major! Get some experience first if you can!) I think customer relationships is a much better fit. For now!

No related image, but here is my new work notebook!

*But then when people found out I went to architecture school they wanted advice on things and I just… don’t know. And don’t enjoy architectural work. Or want to do it in my free time. Or ever. Very confusing to feel that way, but also miss the prestige of the title.