I thought I was going to have a record-breaking (for me, ha) amount of rocks hidden in March, but I hid 105, which is less than the 123 I hid in December. Maybe in April!

In other “exciting” news, I reached 1,000 followers on my rock Instagram account – @kimhidestherocks. As a treat for myself, I commissioned a graphic designer friend to create a logo for me.

And sigh. I promise I paint things other than cats. I just can’t show them to you right meow. So here are some more cat rocks I painted in the last week.

A local rock painting friend, Tricia, gave me some “cacti” stickers and they inspired me to make these! I hid these on my Sunday walk with her.

TacoCat Creations made a face mask with this caticorn (kittycorn?) on it and I had to copy it! I hid this on my Tuesday walk.

Snister sent me a picture of a mug with a design similar to this on it, and I painted my own version. I really wanted the glass to look shiny, so I shaded it that way, and sprayed gloss sealant over that part of the design only. I really liked how this turned out (except that dark spot in the middle) and thought about keeping it, but I hid it on my Monday run.

One of the painters in my Facebook group was trying so hard to find some catpuccinos last week and didn’t, so I made her these and we did a rock trade (she gave me a Snoopy rock) on Thursday.

This one was inspired by a drawing by _gu9u_… and turned out kind of sloppy. I ordered finer tip black pens after I finished this, ha (and sigh, the pens I ordered were too thick). I hid this on my Tuesday walk.

I am all about the cat puns lately, and this is one of my classic jokes to tell kids, and here it is in rock form. This is the first rock I designed on my own! I hid this on my Tuesday walk.

What do you call a pile of cats?
A MEOWtain!

I painted this set of cats based off of an image snis sent me back in January. I hid these on my Thursday walk. The grumpy face ones are my favorite!

I painted this rock based off of a drawing by drewanimal. I hid it on my Wednesday run.

Someone in my Facebook group wrote a comment on one of my posts saying she liked my cats and was wondering about cowboys and cowgals. So I painted this. I haven’t hid it yet. She REALLY REALLY REALLY wants it.

And lucky me, Instagram showed me an ad for prideincats that had a cat butt design on a t-shirt, and of course, I had to copy! I now have at least four cat butt styles I paint! Ha!