A few highlights from the weekend!


  • Hiding my Animals with Hearts series and seeing a fellow rock hider/hunter out there.
  • Getting my Starbucks for the week.
  • Steven making breakfast sandwiches.
  • Having no work meetings in the afternoon and having time to read a study.
  • The cats receiving a Valentine from Zé.
  • Visiting with Lorena during my manicure. I love the hot pink color I got!
  • Dropping off rocks for a friend.
  • El Famous for dinner.


  • Steven driving me on my errands since the roads were bad.
  • Aldi having the bird in a cage cat toy. I kept seeing lots of cats loving it online and ours do too!
  • Leftover El Famous for lunch.
  • Napping with Steven on the couch after lunch.
  • Seeing Ghost has been using the path I made him, and cleaning it up after our (4? 6? inches of) snowfall.
  • Receiving a Valentine from my snister’s kids.
  • Catching up on the phone with Mom.
  • Watching a (bad) new(ish?) movie (Synchronic) while working on some rocks.


  • Opening the Valentine my mom gave me when I saw her in January.
  • A video chat with friends.
  • A lazy day with Steven – we watched three movies (The Dawn Wall, Songbird, Coming to America)! Redbox has this deal where if you stream a movie you get $2 off your next one, so we used that deal a couple times, because it kept sending it to us! (For Synchronic and Songbird.)


  • Running 5 miles on the treadmill without stopping.
  • A nap after lunch.
  • Mostly completing the Mustang rock commission.
  • Watching The Map of Tiny Perfect Things.


  • My mom telling me the Valentine’s Day card I sent came open and none of the magnets I had added were in it. Ha. Guess I need to tape all the edges next time!
  • Technology not being my friend for my Sunday video call. Zoom would not accept my passcode to enter the call, even after reinstalling, restarting, and trying in the app and browser. Has anyone else had this issue?