I collect Starbucks Been There (formally You Are Here) mugs* and I’ve wanted to display them for a long time. They’re so colorful and seeing them reminds me of all the places I was able to travel to pre-pandemic.
I wanted a shelf with a lip so the mugs would be secure, and something with a modern look. Steven searched for a long time, and found these zinc Crate & Barrel shelves** and gave them to me for our anniversary, then he modified them by adding a piece of walnut underneath. He completed them this weekend and we hung them up Sunday night!
Crappy before picture & crappy after picture:
I know, I know, it’s amazing my title at work used to be Interior Designer! Ha, all joking aside, I love seeing the mugs on the wall, and we hung up Steven’s fun coffee poster from Popchart** too. Now, I am just hoping Starbuck doesn’t trying to jump up on the mugs – she spends a lot of time on that coffee cart.
I know, I already need another shelf! We have another metal shelf, we just need another piece of walnut.
*only to places I have been though!
**not sponsored
Aw, I spy the Ohio mug 🙂 This reminds me that – somewhere – I still have a California mug for you. Of course it’s now packed away in a moving box that I haven’t yet unpacked, but when/if I find it, I’ll get it in the mail (or maybe by that time it’ll be safe to visit LOL)
Anyway, I love how this turned out! I have a somewhat ridiculous amount of mugs that I’d love to display – what a good idea!
Oh fun! I don’t think I knew you had that! It would be so awesome to see you in person 🙂
Thanks! It’s really fun to see them! Why hid your mugs in a cabinet? 😉
Oh, I love it. These shelves look awesome over your coffee station. I wish we had space for that.
Thank you! You need something like this with your love for coffee and mugs!!!
I’m waiting For the post wherein Starbuck or Apollo jumps up and knocks them down.
So far they’ve left it alone, and I hope it stays that way 🙂
Wow! That looks great – what a perfect way to display your mugs, and also in a functional spot where you can use them, too!
Thanks! And yes, I already used it yesterday!
That coffee cart is so cute! And I love the shelves so very much. It ties the space together! Adding the walnut makes the shelves look super high-end. 🙂
I was going to ask if you drink out of the mugs or if they are just for decoration, but I think you answered that question in your response to Amy’s comment!
Aww, thanks! Steven used to have that coffee cart at his warehouse space because we didn’t have room in our townhome and was so excited when he could bring it to our new home!
Yeah! I have been using them off of there! I’ve been picking the ones that have tea stains and using those then cleaning them really well and putting them back. Ha.
These look great! (And we have the same coffee poster. I never noticed that.) Do you have on place mug that you tend to gravitate towards?
Thank you! Aww, I did not realize we had the same one. I love the posters from that site!
I tend to use Saskatchewan!
Did you ever pick up a Utah mug when you were here?
I didn’t! Sadness! I think that was before I collected them!