People keep very kindly suggesting that I:

  • Start an Etsy shop to sell my rocks
  • Reach out to local craft/boutique stores to sell my rocks
  • Reach out to car groups to advertise my painted car rocks

It’s so nice that people think I could sell my creations. I appreciate that!!! But here’s the thing – I’m not looking for a side hustle right now. I might in the future, but not right now.

I stated painting and hiding rocks in December. I had a decent month+ of good hiding weather but I want to hide rocks and experience it when the weather is decent – aka June (sometimes). If I focus on making things to sell, I won’t get to do that. I’ll also have less time to make rock gifts, which I really enjoy.

I’ve done 1.5 car commissions and guess what? I put too much pressure on myself and it stressed me the eff out. Not so much about getting it perfect, but getting it done. Making a hobby my “job” takes away some (a lot) of the joy.

I love painting cars but my latest commission is of the one color I have the most trouble with (the pen), sigh

I could just paint what I want and see what sells and hide the rest, but meh. Again, for now, I don’t feel like setting up a shop, doing transactions, shipping, etc. I don’t want to add stress and timelines to my hobby. And I don’t want to start a new job when I’ve just started a new job at my “real” job.

I’m totally cool if someone reaches out for a commission, I’m just not interested in advertising or pushing it. It’s just a hobby right now.

But I do appreciate people thinking I could sell them, and think it’s cool I’ve had three (one for words, two for cars) commissions!

(And to be clear, I thank everyone here who comments on my rock posts and shows interest and support and has suggested I sell them – it’s not you all that prompted me to write this! And it’s not someone who reads this blog.)