A few highlights from the weekend!


  • Getting Thai takeout for dinner. Wow, it was good. We haven’t had Thai for the entire pandemic!


  • Surprising my family with a visit to Iowa. Only my snis and her husband knew I was coming. We’d been planning it since I last saw her, and didn’t want to tell anyone in case I had to cancel due to weather, then it just became “let’s surprise everyone!” So she invited Dad over for lunch (Mom was already there since she is the kids’ nanny) and got takeout (HuHot!) for everyone, and then we went in her house together and said “guess who I ran into at HuHot?” It was fun.
  • Playing with my snis’s kids in their playroom.
  • All the gifts my snis had for me, and a long winter coat and new blanket she picked up for me.
  • Seeing all the vintage items Christina has to sell on her shop in person.
  • Going on a short walk with Dad.
  • Homemade pizza for dinner.
  • Mom making vegan scotcharoos.


  • Sleeping in in a bed all to myself and snuggling with Dexter in the early am.
  • Running grocery errands with Snis and getting my weekly chai.
  • Deciding on a whim to stop at our dad’s mom’s house to see her (then she decided to join us for lunch).
  • All the family coming over for lunch. We made goulash to meet everyone’s dietary preferences – regular, no onions, gluten free, and vegan.
  • Catching up with everyone.
  • My older brother loving the rocks I painted him for his birthday. He thanked me many times and sent pics of where he put them when he got home. That made me feel good.
  • Going on a walk with Dad, Thomas, Will, and William.
  • Steven texting me that he finished the mug shelves he got me for our anniversary (maybe I will write another post about that?).
  • Going to Kohl with Christina to spend our Kohl’s cash.
  • Playing some new games – In a Pickle (meh), Throw Throw Burrito (fun, reminds me of Azuma), and Split Decision (I was horrible at it, but enjoyed it).
  • In general when I visit family – how wonderfully long the days feel. When I am away from home and don’t have to do errands or chores it feels like there is so much time in the day.


  • Beating the storm home. By a lot, sigh. Iowa was going to get 3-6″ of snow, the route I take through Wisconsin was going to get 2-4″, and we were going to get 1-3″. I left much earlier than I needed to, but I avoided it all.
  • Sending rocks with Steven to have our friend’s kids hide on their walk. (I would have loved to walk with them but I had just gotten home and was exhausted and didn’t want to spend time with people right after being in Iowa.)
  • Having time to run and take a nap. And waking up with all the cats on me!
  • Installing the new mug shelves.


  • Feeling tired on my Friday drive to Iowa.
  • Checking work email on Friday (I was off) to look for a response to something and seeing some crazy stuff I need to deal with tomorrow.
  • Iowa’s shit-show response to COVID-19. I will just leave that at that.
  • Leaving way earlier than I needed to Sunday.