A few highlights from the weekend!


  • The cats waking me up early so I could paint a few rocks. (It was a nice way to start my day but gosh, I was so tired at 7:30. It made me think about how I used to feel that way every Friday when I was teaching the 5:00 am class!)
  • Hiding a rock on my run.
  • Breakfast sandwiches by Steven.
  • Seeing my favorite security guard on a trip to my office (first time going there since March – I went in for my security clearance renewal. I was there for less than thirty minutes.).
  • The bucket arriving for the skid-steer.
  • Seeing a post on Facebook that someone found and loved the rock (a reindeer) I hid.
  • Catching up with Lorena during my mani/pedi.
  • Vegan Mexican takeout for dinner. It wasn’t that great, but it was nice to not cook.
  • Catching up with my father-in-law.


  • The cats waking me up early again so I could paint rocks.
  • Watching The Princess Switch: Switched Again while I painted. So silly but so fun.
  • Walking and hiding rocks with Kathie and Kristi! When we got to the park this family with two little kids was leaving so we hid a snowman rock right where they’d find it and it was cute to see the little girl find it and pick it up.
  • Getting some errands and chores done so I’d feel somewhat productive.
  • Painting a special rock for my coworker’s son.
  • More takeout! Pizza and pasta. This time it was YUMMY!


  • A video call with Anne.
  • Warm weather (for December!) for my run.
  • Starting my 10 days of bath bombs Advent calendar.
  • A chill afternoon with Steven.
  • Hearing the news that Aliphine is pregnant and due in January!
  • Painting a special rock for my nephew William.
  • Catching up with Mom on the phone.
  • Fettuccine Alfredo for dinner.


  • Realizing I don’t have any decent running tights that don’t stink. Sigh. And why is it so hard to find tights with a drawstring?!