A few highlights from the weekend!
- The cats waking me up early so I could paint a few rocks. (It was a nice way to start my day but gosh, I was so tired at 7:30. It made me think about how I used to feel that way every Friday when I was teaching the 5:00 am class!)
- Hiding a rock on my run.
- Breakfast sandwiches by Steven.
- Seeing my favorite security guard on a trip to my office (first time going there since March – I went in for my security clearance renewal. I was there for less than thirty minutes.).
- The bucket arriving for the skid-steer.
- Seeing a post on Facebook that someone found and loved the rock (a reindeer) I hid.
- Catching up with Lorena during my mani/pedi.
- Vegan Mexican takeout for dinner. It wasn’t that great, but it was nice to not cook.
- Catching up with my father-in-law.
- The cats waking me up early again so I could paint rocks.
- Watching The Princess Switch: Switched Again while I painted. So silly but so fun.
- Walking and hiding rocks with Kathie and Kristi! When we got to the park this family with two little kids was leaving so we hid a snowman rock right where they’d find it and it was cute to see the little girl find it and pick it up.
- Getting some errands and chores done so I’d feel somewhat productive.
- Painting a special rock for my coworker’s son.
- More takeout! Pizza and pasta. This time it was YUMMY!
- A video call with Anne.
- Warm weather (for December!) for my run.
- Starting my 10 days of bath bombs Advent calendar.
- A chill afternoon with Steven.
- Hearing the news that Aliphine is pregnant and due in January!
- Painting a special rock for my nephew William.
- Catching up with Mom on the phone.
- Fettuccine Alfredo for dinner.
- Realizing I don’t have any decent running tights that don’t stink. Sigh. And why is it so hard to find tights with a drawstring?!
OOOHHH that’s a nice bucket! π
Your rock painting makes me happy – such a creative way to make cute things that make other people happy. Totally win-win.
Yessss! It will work well for moving snow around!
Yay! I am glad it does! It is win-win. Painting is relaxing and calming for me, and I get so much joy when people find them and post about it!
Is your office right on the plaza with the Flamingo sculpture? Such a cool work of art!
It is! And yes, it’s so cool! I love Calder’s work!
Tehehe “the cats waking me up early so I could paint rocks.” THEY ARE SO THOUGHTFUL!
I remember how ridiculous the first Princess Switch movie was. I can’t believe they made a second one, hahaha.
They really are! And we are on our 5th day in a row of it! Sigh. I need to get them back to their later feeding time.
It’s even MORE ridiculous! Are you gonna watch it?!
Grinch and Max look amazing and Nathan would go nuts for them. I need to try this.
Thanks! Here is the guide I used for them – https://www.rockpaintingguide.com/grinch-max-painted-rocks/. I recommend acrylic paint pens π
I recognize that statue near your building! I think we took a photo in front of it the first time we met!
Wait, did you paint those Grinch rocks? They are so detailed! I can’t believe you said you weren’t artistic; the ones you’ve shown on your blog at all so clever and amazing. Next time we do a RPFC zoom, let’s play a pictionary game hahaha.
Yes we did!
I did! Thanks! There was a guide (but that made me confident enough to freehand Olaf and Sven the next day). The thing is, I erase and start over a lot, so my Pictionary would be really amusing, but we should play! Steven is good at it!
Oh, man, sorry about the tights. And right when you need them, too! Still loving the rocks, and I find it amusing that you have a skid-steer. Is that in the category of “things I never thought I would own”? π
Sigh, right? I ordered some cheapo ones without a drawstring, and they’ll work down to like, 30. Maybe. A friend gave me a rec for Gore Tex and that will work (but break the bank!).
Ha! Well, I never thought we would, but I am sure Steven though we would! He’s talked about wanting one for a long time! (for digging up the yard and snow removal and who knows what else!)
Ahh… Fettuccine Alfredo one of my favorite meals.