• Steven got me something I’ve wanted for a LONG time for our anniversary and I can’t wait to share it when it’s finished! Teaser pic:

It’s a kitty!

  • Last year my hair stylist told me to stop using elastic hair ties and to use plastic phone cord style hair ties. So I switched to those. Now my new stylist is telling me scrunchies are even better. Ha. Okay, okay, I’ll bite.
  • I’m so excited about our jeans and slippers weather this week! (Is anyone else really struggling to get used to the new AccuWeather app format?)

  • I had my interview debrief at work last week. I got the feedback I expected – that some of my examples weren’t complex enough/didn’t have all the right information. The interview is point based and I did not score enough points to proceed. But they gave me feedback on what to work on, so that’s good!
  • Why am I still having dreams about leaving to live in Italy despite it having been almost 15 years ago?!?! This time I forgot to pack drafting supplies, socks, underwear, shoes, and workout clothes. (Ha, okay, weird flex – I was bragging to Steven about my new underwear and socks last night, so that might be part of it, and we do have a trip coming up, but what a lame thing to continually dream about… I was looking for a Rome pic to add to this post, and found another RTT where I basically wrote the same thing about dreaming about packing)

Rome pic!

  • If I could go back in time and redo something it would be the summer I lived alone in Rome. I realize now I was lonely. And if I went back with the knowledge I have now (and the technology!), I wouldn’t be.

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 292