Yesterday the dental hygienist used an exercise analogy when talking about dental hygiene. Something along the lines of:

“Flossing 3-5 times a week is good, but it’s like just running all the time – you look good on the outside but you’re skinny fat. Flossing every day is like lifting weights – you’re strengthening your muscles and building a strong foundation.”

A few thoughts:

  • Would most people understand this analogy?
  • Isn’t this analogy shaming “skinny” people?
  • Does this analogy even make sense?
  • Is this a sign from the universe that I need to do more strength training?!

Every time I’ve started working out as an adult, it’s been with a focus on running, so running was always my priority. Then I got a bunch of stress fractures in 2010 and realized how important strength training is. So I added it to my weekly calendar, but have never loved it as much as running, and have always made running my priority, because it brings me the most joy.

But I know lifting several times a week and strengthening my muscles and bones is better for me than running all the time. I know it. I just don’t do it. During our stay-at-home order I worked from lifting two times a week to three, but was petering out in July when I was running so much. Maybe I can work up from three times a week to four.

I miss working out with my students, but do not miss teaching, driving there to teach, or teaching during those times at all. The cats keep me company and we have a good setup in the basement – I could definitely spend more time down there.

A few other thoughts on the dentist trip:

  • They called me many times to change the time of the appointment, then confirm it, but never once told me the COVID-19 protocol on the phone (I didn’t look for it on their Facebook or website – it may be there). So I asked them on the confirmation call what it was – call when you get there, and wait for a call to come in, wear a mask the entire time except for when they’re cleaning your teeth. I think there was a sign on the door when you got there to tell you this, but I am kind of surprised they didn’t tell me that with all the times they called me (about five). My other doctor appointment was the same way – just figure it out when you get there. I guess I like to know the protocol before I go.
  • On the way there, I was like “wait a minute – I wanted to quarantine after our trip to Iowa.” It had been 10 days since we got back, but 4 days since my parents left, who were visiting from Iowa. Gah. I’m an idiot.
  • Steven had a completely different experience than I did, even though we were both going for cleanings. So odd. But whatever – we both ended up with clean teeth! And I got the bonus inspiration to lift a bit more! (They weren’t lecturing me on flossing, but telling me stories about people coming in eating a sandwich, or with oreos in their teeth from lunch, etc. Yuck.)