Highlight of the Week: Working out 6 days this week, even though I wasn’t running.

Monday | August 3, 2020: rest
Tuesday | August 4, 2020: strength + 3 m walk
Wednesday | August 5, 2020: 3 m walk (w/Steven)
Thursday | August 6, 2020: strength + 2 m walk
Friday | August 7, 2020: 20 m ride
Run location: DPRT, Temp: 70°/74°, Time: 1:27:50, Pace: 13.7 mph avg, Difficulty: easy, Felt: good, and like I was getting a good workout
Saturday | August 8, 2020: strength + 4.4 m walk
Sunday | August 9, 2020: 4.5 m walk


  • Another week off running! I feel so much better, but I’m going to take another few days, or the next week, off running. I do little “tryout” runs on my walks, and they’ve gotten better as the week’s gone on, but every once in a while, my whole right leg locks up (for a second) while walking, so I think my hip needs more time. I have time.
  • I haven’t taken this much time off running since all my stress fractures in June 2010 (which is a blessing that I haven’t!). I went back to that time on the blog to see how I felt and how long it took me to recover. I don’t have a stress fracture, but it’s helpful looking back at how I recovered and felt as I got back in to it. It’s encouraging to know I ran again and got to where I am today, because I have definitely have completely unwarranted fatalist thoughts like “I will never run again!” LOL, you will, Kim.
  • Cycling doesn’t make my hip feel great, probably because it compresses and tightens the hip muscles that are agitated. So… not sure how much more cycling I will be doing.

Link to Training Week 563