A few highlights from the weekend!


  • Running with a crane during my run.
  • Setting up the hammock and being outside with the cats.
  • Prepping all the Mother’s Day cards. Ha, I was so sure Mother’s Day was May 10th (it’s the kittens’ birthday this year!) but so many people were talking about Mother’s Day last week I was getting worried it was the 3rd. Phew, it’s May 10th.
  • Pizza and movie night! We got pizza and some appetizers from a local place our neighbor told us about, and Steven said the pizza was really good (I am not a huge pizza fan, so I had leftover homemade Pad Siew and a some of the apps). We rented The Gentlemen – not my style of movie, but it was fun to order takeout and rent a movie at the end of the week!


  • Wearing the Royals tank my snis got me last summer for the first time.
  • Enjoying the sunshine while “helping” Steven with the Dragonstone roof. Steven laughed when I came outside and said “I didn’t hear you come out here, but I could smell your sunscreen.” (Ugh, I still got a sunburn.)
  • Receiving a May Day/May the Fourth package from my snis and mom. I was just thinking about how my mom used to always do May “baskets” for us on May 1st! How sweet of the two of them to send us one!
  • Receiving the nail polish I ordered.
  • Watching Sonic the Hedgehog with Steven. I loved all the Dad jokes.


  • Running through lots of water during my long run.
  • Being able to bend over to cut shingles and take them up and down the ladder a zillion times after running 18 miles. I’m overweight, but am proud of what my body can do, and that I feel fine doing it.
  • Being lazy in the afternoon.


  • Not realizing the shingles have fiberglass in them. I wondered why my legs were so itchy last night… (I still would have worn shorts to work with them, I’d just have been more careful!)