• I’ve been so excited that the Etsy prints I ordered in March shipped last week (the seller had to wait to ship due to COVID-19), and couldn’t wait to get them. Then I was immediately upset yesterday when I opened our mailbox and saw the mail person have shoved them in the box to get them to fit, and the package was curved. UGHHHHHHHH. Come on, dude!!! But as I was in Dragonstone, ranting to Steven about the mail, I opened the package and saw they could be flattened back out (phew) and was overcome with excitement to see EXTRA prints in there, including one I wanted to order but was sold out! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! So, it all worked out and I am so grateful for the extra prints. I know, cool story brah. Here’s one of the extra prints (I don’t want to share the one I ordered yet because I got one as a gift!):

By PhDistance, shop currently closed

  • I had the prints out on the counter to take a photo to send my snis and Starbuck came running in, sensing there was paper somewhere. I immediately removed them so she wouldn’t get to them! Starbuck LOVES to sit on paper, and even more, loves to destroy it with with her teeth. You can’t lay a sheet of paper down in this house without her appearing out of nowhere.

On Monday I was trying to wrap a present, I set the paper down, grabbed the present from the next room, and she was immediately on it

  • Speaking of my snis… did you guys know she is my personal shopper? I despise searching for things online as much as I do in stores, and Christina is always up to help me out with it! I appreciate it so much! I give her the specs of what I want, and she sends me links and options. Thank you, snis!

She recently helped me find these fake plants! More on what’s going on with this shelf later… maybe tomorrow?

  • Maybe I should ask my snis to help me with ordered soaps from Bath & Body Works. I keep making the same dumb mistake and not reading what the notes are, and just ordering based on photos. I ordered “kitchen lemon,” then after receiving it, realized I can’t use it because it has a flower note in it that gives me a headache. Anyone else out there who can’t do flower scents? I am all about the baking and fruit scents.
  • I’m so grateful our preserves have stayed open during COVID-19. I get such a peace of mind from running on the trails, not worrying about traffic. And I can actually HEAR my podcasts on there! (and yes, I am running with low volume and pepper spray in my pocket)

  • Ugh, yesterday my fave podcast shared a really sad animal story that I wish I hadn’t heard. UGH x a million. I never forget these things after I hear them. Sigh.
  • The three podcasts I support on Patreon are all doing more episodes right now! I’ve got to increase my running and walking to listen to them all!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 275