Gah, I’ve been in such a fog today. I blame it on going back to bed for an hour after waking up at 5:00. I won’t be doing THAT again. Just wake up, Kim. The sun is up. You’re up. Stay up.

So, here are some mistakes/outtakes from today:

  • Someone made a joke about “one million dollars” on a conference call and I was like “oh, are you…” then couldn’t remember the name of who I wanted to ask if they were impersonating. So I said, “Are you the guy who has Mr. Bigglesworth as a cat, and says ‘one million dollars’?” Wow, Kim. Still can’t think of the movie.
  • I made cookies, but when I wrote the recipe down a few weeks ago, I wrote down baking powder instead of baking soda. I thought “this doesn’t seem right” when I was making it, but didn’t even check the recipe, sigh, so they turned out different. They taste okay but not as good as last time. (Edited to add: I shared this recipe with a bunch of people so that made me feel worse. Luckily, I shared it on google docs, so I edited it, and told them.)

Khali said they look fine to her

  • I got a Mother’s Day card returned back because I used my sister-in-law’s old address instead of her new one. UGH, Kim. That’s a mistake from last week but I still felt dumb.
  • And finally. This one is the most embarrassing. I saw an article about the guy who plays Saul on Homeland. Saul is one of my favorite characters so I clicked through (and was devastated he didn’t have a beard). So then I decided to go to Wikipedia and see if the actor who plays Saul, Mandy Patinkin, had been in anything else, and oh my gosh, he was in a VERY famous 80s movie that I have only ever seen once and I can’t believe I ever wondered if he’d been in anything else. If you are the first person to tell me what movie he is famous for without looking it up, I will send you a gift card! (sorry, Bobbi, you can’t play, xoxo)

Happy Monday! I’m hoping I don’t add more to this list. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow.