• Is anyone else feeling unusually tired this week? Is it due to of our lack of sunlight or because it’s the 487th day of January?

  • Our adjacent neighbors to the west let us know they’re having the invasive buckthorn removed from their yard. Good for them, and I appreciate the heads up! They’re going to be able to see a lot more clearly in to our house now – buckthorn makes up a lot of the “fill” in the woods between our homes. Maybe this will be what finally makes us get window treatments?! (nah)
  • Them talking to us reminded me of an article (pdf here) I read about the forest preserve closest to our home. They’re removing a lot of the invasive plants and non-invasive trees to restore the preserve to its original prairie/savanna state, but it’s left looking so barren it’s freaking people out. I can see that – I have run through there after a controlled burn/tree removal and felt like I didn’t know where I was because it looked so different. But if the area is degraded and restoring it to its more natural state makes it healthier and a better habitat for turtles… so be it. I just hope they leave SOME of the trees for shade!
  • I’m always saying I have a harder time reading long things digitally versus in print. This article (pdf here) backs that up: “a long strand of research has shown that reading comprehension is better on paper than on screens. The reasons are unclear,” though. Maybe something to do with “digital environments are primed for distraction”? Yep yep. I can concentrate on reading my Kindle, but not long things on my computer or phone.
  • We watched Joker this week. Whoa! And we started watching the TV show You (season 1). Also, whoa!

Link to Random Thoughts Thursday 262