I was thinking in 2020 I’d try to write my reading update posts on the same day of the week, or when I read a certain amount of books, but I don’t think that’ll work for me – sometimes I don’t have anything to post that week, sometimes I want a book to have its own post, and sometimes, like this week, I do have three books with comments. So reading update posts will remain sporadic in 2020! Thanks for reading and commenting!

I finished Talk to the Paw, a humorous romance about a cat, MacGyver, who sneaks out of the house at night and steals things around the neighborhood and leaves the items at people’s doorsteps in an attempt to play match maker. It was cheesy, and there were several writing errors (if you just moved to California from Pennsylvania it would NOT be too early to text your friends “back home” when you wake up mid morning…), but it was cute and made me laugh! There are actually two more books about Mac the cat, but I don’t plan to continue with the series.

Talk to the Paw was the first book I read with Kindle Unlimited – Steven got me a year-long subscription for Christmas. I’m curious to see what I find on there to read!

Next up was Nothing to See Here, which was a recommendation from Knox on The Popcast. The novel is about boarding school friends Lilllian and Madison, and a favor Madison asks Lillian years later – to be a governess for her two step children who catch on fire when they are upset. The book is a fast paced easy read that covers the one summer Lillian watches the kids. I found it interesting and fun to read, but some of the characters felt unrealistic (I don’t want to say why and spoil it – it’s not the fire thing).

After that, I read The Pants of Perspective: One Woman’s 3,000 Kilometre Running Adventure through the Wilds of New Zealand, which popped up on Amazon as a Kindle Unlimited book. The author, Anna McNuff, comes back from a 2013 work sabbatical of cycling the 50 states, and feels restless, so she decides to run the Te Araroa trail spanning both New Zealand islands beginning in January of 2015. I really wanted to like this book, but it was boring, repetitive, and didn’t have enough detail or evolution of character. I thought about quitting it many times, but kept reading because I was learning about New Zealand and British terms, and thought maybe it would get better. It didn’t. Read Wild instead.

Updated: I don’t have two Kindles, I have Photoshop

Now I am reading Red, White & Royal Blue, which was a recommendation by Stephany, and it’s an absolute delight so far!