Many people have told me they’re sorry I can’t run, because they know I love it, and how big of a stress release it is for me. First of all, thank you for being thoughtful and reaching out to me and saying that! And secondly, I’m surprised I’m not losing my mind by not running. I thought I would be, but:

  • My ribs hurt (past tense) so much that the idea of running seemed absolutely preposterous. And dangerous. And painful.
  • It’s December and we’re all going crazy with how busy we are. Not trying to fit in runs slowed things down for me and gave me more time to get all the stupid Christmas-related errands done.
  • I’ve been cutting back on my running more and more as we’ve been working on the garage so I’ve become accustomed to much less mileage, womp womp.
  • It’s the end of the year and I’ve already run 1698.85 miles. I didn’t have a goal mileage for the year and that’s a decent number. I’m not training for anything, so I don’t need to worry about being out of shape. (I should worry about my health though…)
  • I’ve been trying to destress with baths, reading, and puzzles.

So, yeah. Now’s an okay time of year for me to take a break.

All that being said, I’d be losing my mind if it was January, if I was training for something, if not running meant I didn’t see my friends, or if the pain lasted a long time (what happened to me was minor and I don’t want to diminish anyone’s lingering pain). It’s been just over a week and I’m doing better and think I can run soon.

But right now it feels right to get more rest!